VietNamNet Bridge – The nation should prepare to lower the inflation rate and speed up economic growth next year as Viet Nam entered a new development phase, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said last Friday.

A view of the National Assembly closing session, in which five
hundred deputies agree on a number of issues and nine bills.

The tasks were defined by the 13th National Assembly's fourth session, Hung said, as he wrapped it up after more than a month's sitting.

Five-hundred deputies had agreed on a number of issues and nine bills during the session.

Hung said having NA sessions broadcast live had made proceedings more open and transparent.

He said deputies had defined goals that would help the country grow sustainably, including stabilising the macro-economy and speeding up strategies to restructure the national economy.

The country aimed to improve international integration, reinforce defence and security and ensure social welfare and socio-political stability, he said.

The deputies passed nine bills and commented on six others.

They agreed that amending and supplementing the 1992 Constitution was crucial for the Party and people to fortify the political-legal foundation for a new development stage.

They also passed a resolution on conducting votes of confidence on officials elected or approved by the Assembly and People's Councils.

Hung said the resolution constituted an important change in the national political life and had taken the people's "mastery" to a higher level.

Before closing the session yesterday, deputies approved amendments and supplements to the Law on Corruption Prevention and Control, in which they agreed that the fight against corruption would be long, rough and complicated.

Under the amended law, State officials are required to annually list their properties and income to be made public in their workplaces for at least 30 consecutive days from January 1 to March 31.

The lists of candidates to the posts of Assembly or provincial and municipal People's Councils must be accessible to local constituents.

The new law also requires officials to account for any new properties.

Meanwhile, deputies have yet to agree on setting up an independent anti-corruption agency, saying more time was needed to study the model.

But they agreed to the formation of an anti-corruption steering committee, to work under the Politburo and to be chaired by the Party General Secretary.

Deputies endorsed the decision to collect people's comments on amendments to the Constitution. The draft amendments and supplements will be made public and submissions will be taken from January 2 next year for tabling by the end of the year.

They also approved a resolution on policies and laws regarding complaints procedures related to administrative decisions on land issues.
