Đề xuất 27/4 là ngày tưởng niệm nạn nhân tử vong vì Covid-19

Deputy Nguyen Huu Thong.


During the National Assembly discussion on socio-economic situation and the prevention of the Covid-19 epidemic on November 8, deputy Nguyen Huu Thong of Binh Thuan province said the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic are enormous, with over 22,000 people and frontline workers dying of the virus.

To commemorate these sacrifices and losses, he suggested that the National Assembly and Government should take one day as a memorial day for those who died of Covid-19.

"I propose April 27 (the starting day of the fourth outbreak which caused the most damage to both the economy and people's lives) and this is also the desire of the constituents," he said.

Deputy Nguyen Anh Tri of Hanoi shared the same idea, citing three reasons.

Firstly, the number of 22,500 people who died of Covid-19 is very high, so it is worth giving them a day of national mourning. This is consistent with the conclusion of the Politburo in Notice No. 19 dated April 22, 2011 that it agrees to hold national mourning in case of a particularly serious natural disaster causing great loss of life and property of the people.

Secondly, most of the people who died during the pandemic were separated from their families, so they were not properly buried. Giving them a national day of mourning is very benevolent, which is in line with Vietnamese morality.

Thirdly, the day of national mourning for Covid-19 victims will remind who are living that they must not neglect the prevention measures of the Covid-19 epidemic.

"We hope that the Government will soon choose the right time to organize a national day of mourning for the victims who have died in the Covid-19 pandemic," deputy Tri said.

Huong Quynh - Tran Thuong

Safe cocoons protect children orphaned by Covid-19

Safe cocoons protect children orphaned by Covid-19

Most of the 1,500 orphaned COVID-19 youngsters are living in families of freelance workers in HCM City. Without financial or spiritual assistance, the previously limited path to these children's future has become even more bleak.