VietNamNet Bridge – A new record for the most expensive road in the world will be made when a nearly 700-metre road in Hanoi will be built at the cost of VND1,767 billion (over $84 million – nearly $120,000/1m).


O Cho Dua - Hoang Cau Road was inaugurated in late 2013 at a cost of VND1.4 billion ($70,000) per meter. This is the most expensive road in Vietnam at present.

The road extends from Hoang Cau to the Lang Ha – Giang Vo intersection. The project file is under completion and will be submitted to the Hanoi People’s Committee for approval in June.

The road is 697m long, 50m wide, and construction is scheduled to take place from 2015 to 2018.

The investment is expensive because compensation for site clearance is high.

Previously, Kim Lien - O Cho Dua Road was dubbed "the most expensive road on the planet" with the average cost of VND 700 million ($35,000) per one meter.

This record was broken when O Cho Dua - Hoang Cau Road was inaugurated in late 2013 at a cost of VND1.4 billion ($70,000) per meter.

Le Ha