Long lines of cars wait for inspection at a center in HCMC – PHOTO: VNA

Among them, some 800,000 vehicles are due for inspection but have not yet been inspected.

Currently, over 240 auto inspection centers are operational nationwide, with about 550,000 vehicles inspected monthly.

If the remaining 40 inspection centers stay closed, it will take at least six months to inspect the 2.5 million vehicles, not to mention the number of vehicles that need to be re-checked.

Huge backlogs haver been reported at 184 vehicle inspection centers in 43 provinces and cities. The northern provinces of Bac Kan and Hoa Binh now have no auto inspection centers in service.

A severe shortage of staff at vehicle testing centers, combined with an increasing number of vehicles requiring inspection, has led to long waits at the operational facilities across the country.

The Ministry of Transport has recently proposed the Ministry of Defense deploy more military auto inspectors to vehicle inspection centers.

Source: Saigon Times