negative impacts

Update news negative impacts

VN Finance Ministry to set up research group on crypto currency

The Ministry of Finance has decided to set up a research group which would be in charge of studying and proposing policies to manage virtual assets and cryptocurrencies.

UN Secretary-General calls for international cooperation in tackling COVID-19

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has emphasised the importance of strengthening regional and global cooperation in the fight against COVID-19, which he said threatens efforts to maintain peace and international security.

Hydropower projects on Mekong River should not cause negative impacts: spokeswoman

The building of hydropower projects on the Mekong River’s mainstream must ensure that they do not cause negative impacts, said a Vietnamese official.

Unsuitable festivals to be removed, says official

"Nam Dinh and Thai Binh provinces both have the Tran Temple Festival; one of the two places will have to remove the festival," said Mr.Pham Van Thuy, a senior official from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.