The Government has issued Decree No. 156, outlining new regulations for vehicle license plate auctions. These include starting prices, bidding steps, and scenarios that could result in disqualification from participation.

Under the decree, the Minister of Public Security will determine the number of license plates available for auction during each session. This applies to plates from provinces and cities within the Ministry of Public Security's Vehicle Registration and Management System.

If a shortage of license plates arises before the next auction session, the Minister of Public Security will allocate additional plates to provincial and municipal police.

Starting Price for Car Plates: The starting price for a car license plate is 40 million VND, with an increment of 5 million VND every three years beginning January 1, 2025.

Starting Price for Motorcycle Plates: The starting price for a motorcycle or moped license plate is 5 million VND, with an increment of 1 million VND every three years starting January 1, 2025.

Special Format Plates: Special format plates (e.g., AAAAA where A > 4, or ABCDE where A < B < C < D < E, and A > 4) re-auctioned after the second session will have starting prices of 500 million VND for car plates and 50 million VND for motorcycle plates.

Deposit Amount: The deposit required to participate in the auction is equal to the starting price of the license plate. This amount must be transferred to a separate payment account held by the auction organization at a bank. Deposits must be submitted between the announcement of the auction and two days before the auction begins.

If a participant wins the auction, the deposit is transferred to a designated Ministry of Public Security account and submitted to the state budget.

Bidding Increments: For car plates: 5 million VND per bid increment; For motorcycle plates: 500,000 VND per bid increment; 
The decree specifies the steps for conducting an auction:

Online Registration: All registrations for participating in the auction must be completed online. Participants are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of their submitted information.

Bidding Procedures: Participants access the online auction platform using their personal accounts and follow the outlined procedures. At the close of the auction, the system will automatically identify and notify the highest bidder.

Suspension of Auctions: Auctions must be halted if the Ministry of Public Security finds evidence of violations, such as breaches of ethical standards or auction regulations, or in cases of force majeure.

Participants may be disqualified for the following violations: Providing false information or using forged documents to register.

Colluding with auctioneers, auction organizations, or other participants to manipulate prices or distort auction results.

Obstructing the auction process or using software to interfere with bidding activities or results.

Threatening or coercing auctioneers or other participants to alter the auction outcome.

Tran Thuong