Dual parenting may be more beneficial than single parenting as it would lead to enhanced brain cells production in the later stage of life, according to a latest Canadian research.

In the study, researchers from the University of Calgary's Hotchkiss Brain Institute studied mouse pups that were raised by either dual or single parents. Differences in cell production in the brain of these two groups of pups were found when they grew up.

Specifically, female pups raised by two parents had enhanced white matter production as adults, increasing motor coordination and sociability. Male pups raised by dual parents displayed more grey matter production as an adult, which improves learning and memory.

The advantages of dual parenting were even able to be passed along when these two groups reproduced, even if their offspring were raised by one female. It indicates that the benefits are persistent and transmissible to the next generation, according to the study.

Scientists said that this research provides evidence that, in the mouse model, parenting and the environment directly impact adult brain cell production. While it's not known at this point, it is possible that similar effects could be seen in other mammals, such as humans.

Source: Xinhuanet