new cold to hit northern region, people to feel bitter chill picture 1
A new, strong cold spell is expected to hit northern Vietnam on February 8.

Northern localities have endured warm and humid weather over the past few days, with daytime temperatures climbing to 26-28°C. Such unpleasant weather will last until the end of February 27 before a strong, new cold spell hits the region.

The new cold front is moving towards Vietnam from the north, and is expected to reach northern border localities early on February 8, with temperatures anticipated to fall by 6-7 degrees Celsius.

As the cold front moves further inland on February 9, the temperatures will quickly nosedive to 10-13 degrees Celsius in the highlands, and 13-15°C in the lowlands. Some mountain areas will even see temperatures fall to a low of 5°C.   

The next few days will see temperatures rise by between 1-2°C to hover around 13-17°C at night and 21-24°C during daytime.

In the capital city of Hanoi, temperatures are expected to fall to 12-14°C on February 8, 13-17°C on February 9 and 15-22°C on the following days.

In January, Vietnam was impacted by three cold spells. Notably, the January 22 spell caused severe cold in the northern and north-central provinces. Mau Son Mt peak in the northern border province of Lang Son even recorded the lowest temperature of 5°C.   

Source: VOV