VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam is rapidly becoming an integral part of the regional and global economic landscape, and Dutch firms should seize the opportunities the emerging market has to offer, suggested Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai.




Hai made the comment in an opening speech at the Vietnam-Netherlands economic cooperation forum in The Hague on September 24, which attracted representatives from more than 150 Vietnamese and Dutch companies.

Participants focused their discussions on the fields of energy, investments, garment and textiles, agriculture and food, aiming to find outcomes that would be mutually beneficial and capitalise on the strengths of both countries.

Deputy PM Hai outlined Vietnam’s recent achievements, affirming the country is emerging as an entrepreneurial goldmine with an abundance of lucrative opportunities, and a most reliable business partner.

He noted the established strategic partnership between the two countries on climate change, State management, agriculture and food security is bearing fruit, opening up an ever widening array of opportunities for expanded cooperation.

Hai expressed his sincere appreciation for assistance from the Western European nation during the Vietnamese development process, which has lifted bilateral relations to a new level – of equal cooperation.

Against the backdrop of this new orientation, the Netherlands has agreed to provide Vietnam assistance giving effect to the private public partnership (PPP) model.

He hailed the ominous signs for greater economic potential for the two countries, which hold the promise for decades of real and sustained prosperity for the socio-economic benefit of both peoples.

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Simon Smits in turn said his country is assisting Vietnam in training local garment producers and their labour forces, providing them with skills to meet requirements of the European Union (EU).

He applauded Vietnamese people for their strong work ethic and their steadfast determination to overcome all obstacles in their quest for sustainable economic growth for mutual benefit.

Vietnam is a panacea for foreign investors, including those from the Netherlands, he lauded adding the signing of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (VEFTA) will only improve the economic prospects for the Southeast Asian nation.



For her part, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Ho Thi Kim Thoa expressed her desire for beefed-up cooperation with the Netherlands in the processing industry.

She hoped that the two sides will work closely together to soon complete negotiations for the early signing of the VEFTA, which, she said, is expected to provide a stimulus to bilateral trade and investment ties.

Vietnamese and Dutch enterprises should promote exchange and strengthen partnership to take full advantages the Vietnam-EU free trade pact has to offer, she said.

*** Meanwhile, Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son shared his view on Vietnam-Netherlands relationship with media workers during his visit to the European country on September 22-24.

He noted the Netherlands is now the second largest exporter and ranks 11th in foreign investment in Vietnam. The two countries have picked up the pace of people-to-people exchanges and have tightened linkages among their metropolitan areas.

Son spoke glowingly of the Vietnam Day celebrations in the Netherlands, saying they have contributed greatly to enhancing mutual understanding and comprehensive multi-faceted cooperation between the two nations.

The diplomat also revealed that during the economic forum, many leading Dutch businesses approached him showing keen interest in making long-term investment commitments in Vietnam.