VietNamNet Bridge – Former Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai and former Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang, the politicians who were very successful at the central level, are bringing hope to the residents of the two largest cities of Vietnam. Several experts talk about the change.

Hanoi Party Secretary Hoang Trung Hai.


Prof. Jonathan London, City University of Hong Kong, China, an international expert on Vietnam


Surely many people will feel relieved when the leadership of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is given to those who had reaped many successes in their former positions at the central level.


When Mr. Dinh La Thang became Party Secretary of HCM City, some people may question whether an official from Hanoi can manage the most prosperous city in the south. However, the one who comes from another place can have an overview and can do things that locals can hardly to do because of the binding relationship.


It is hard to confirm whether the one from other location can do better or worse than the local. But many people feel the change in speed and style of development of HCM City.


For Hanoi, Mr. Hoang Trung Hai, who has extensive experience of management, can do well for the city. Everyone hopes the new Party Secretary of both Hanoi and HCM City will be successful.


Dr. Vo Tri Hao (Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics)


Not only me but many other intellectuals are very excited to know that Mr. Dinh La Thang was appointed as the Party Secretary of HCM City. Mr. Thang is the right person for solving the urgent problems that many generations of leaders of HCM City had exerted their efforts but had not yet fully resolved.


There are three major problems for HCM City at present. The first is robbery and security on the street. The second is the flood tide and urban sanitation. The third issue is in Ho Chi Minh City, with a population of over 10 million and a diameter of 140km, the people need a new administration model to meet the city’s specific needs. Ho Chi Minh City cannot use the same model as Ha Giang, Cao Bang, or even Hanoi, because of its different development characteristics.


For the three issues, the first two are immediate, pressing needs and the third will answer the question “whether HCM City can become the Pearl of the Far East again or not”.


We hope that Mr. Thang, the man of action, who is assertive, dares to do and highly supported by the Politburo, will be able to fully resolve these matters, firstly street security.


The problem of infrastructure – flood-tide and sanitation - can be solved thanks to new financial mechanisms. The third issue is difficult because it is related to the model of urban administration.


The new leader will certainly make breakthroughs but the level of success depends on Mr. Thang himself and his advisory team. But first of all, he should help HCM City people understand his objectives, strategy, and vision for the next five years, to support, supervise and mobilize the support from the central Government.


Ms. Hoang Hiep, consultant on policy and business development support services

HCM City Party Secretary Dinh La Thang


For the Party Secretary of Hanoi Hoang Trung Hai, who assumed positions in businesses, I expect that he will have policies to use available resources and public goods such as infrastructure of the public authorities. The buildings of the People's Committees, instead of being leased as fitness centers... can be used to help young people to start their business.


Cultural activities organized to celebrate events should be replaced by the display and introduction of products and services of local start-up businesses.


Instead of borrowing capital for new, ineffective projects to create debt burden on businesses and residents, let’s create mechanisms and a clean, open environment for the people, businesses to develop and enrich themselves, and let’s have transparency for public goods and services to help people use and monitor them.


Mr. Le Quang Binh (Chairman of the People's Participation Working Group PPWG)


People always expect effective leadership of the municipal government of Hanoi and HCM City. The effectiveness is shown through the issues that directly affect the daily lives of people such as urban transport, clean water, health services, education and administration.


An overpass to relieve a traffic bottleneck, a bus stop located in the right place, or a construction site that is carefully shielded to not affect passers-by or the local residents are always respected by the people. These are small things but they represent the spirit of striving for the quality of life of the people, the mind and the level of the leader.


The government cannot do these things alone but they need the participation of citizens and civil social organizations. A civilized, orderly, clean city depends on the people's awareness, and the awareness only exists when people actively participate in urban management together with the government.


The governments of Hanoi and HCM City, under the leadership of the two new Party Secretaries, need to operate openly and transparently, with clear mechanisms so that the citizens and civil social organizations can provide information about the problems of the cities and join hands to solve environmental and social problems, such as poor or homeless people.


But more importantly, the city environment is only truly healthy and nurturing development when it has free space for people to participate in cultural, art, creative and start-up activities. Therefore, the cities should give support to groups of artists, young people, and students with both financial activity and open policy, creating conditions for performances, exhibitions, activities outdoor as well as in the private space.


Experience around the world shows that the city develops only when it has plenty of space for freedom of expression to attract the creative class. When the creative class lives and works in the city, the city will have the vitality and platform for development.


A government works effectively when it has the trust of the people. Therefore, the Party Secretary of Hanoi needs to strengthen people's trust in the ability and motivation of the government, especially after the project to cut down 6,700 old trees to be replaced by new ones.


Specifically, Hanoi should direct its public servants to work effectively, to really consider the interests of the people as the driving force for the development of the city. It should have consistent and predictable urban management policies to enable the people to actively organize their life. It is necessary to regularly, accurately and openly disseminate the city’s policies to the people through the media, social media, as well as community meetings.


But more importantly, the government should express its concern for the needs, wishes and interests of the people, especially the disadvantaged. Only when the government really cares about the people does the government have the people’s trust so as to be able to manage the society effectively.

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Phuong Loan/Duy Minh
