VietNamNet Bridge – Pham Le Thao Nguyen tied with Aleksandra Goryachkina in the first match of the second round of FIDE Women’s World Chess Championship held on Tuesday in Tehran, Iran.


Pham Le Thao Nguyen secures a draw result against Aleksandra Goryachkina in the first match of the second round of FIDE Women’s World Chess Championship held on February 14 in Tehran. — VNS Photo

Viet Nam’s International Master (IM) Nguyen, who is lower than her Russian Grandmaster rival in the Elo rating, forced the match to end after 38 moves.

In other boards, tournament favourite Ju Wenjun of China had a relatively easy day beating her opponent, former Women’s World Champion Zhu Chen of Qatar; Ukrainian world rapid chess champion Anna Muzychuk defeated Alina Kashlinskaya of Russia; and Chinese Ni Shiqun outplayed one of the top players Valentina Gunina, making it the biggest upset of the round.

In a dramatic game, Nataliya Buksa outplayed Sopiko Guramishvili by move 30. The tables turned after Ukrainian player decided to sacrifice a piece for three pawns and later on missed a killing fork.

The ex-World Champion Anna Ushenina decided to change the queen on the 10th move and increased her advantage. Though her opponent Tan Zhongyi got a chance to survive in the rook endgame, but was the last one to make a mistake in the game.

The second match will be organised late on Wednesday in Espinas Palace Hotel in the Iranian capital.

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Source: VNS