nhue river

Update news nhue river

Nhue River polluted for years; who is to blame?

VietNamNet Bridge - The Nhue River has been compared with a pit drain which causes serious pollution to the environment and adverse effects to the public. 

Hanoi tackles sewage in Nhue River

 VietNamNet Bridge – Ha Noi authorities have sped up the construction of waste treatment projects as well as preparing to put new plants into operation.

Dead rivers encircle Hanoi

 VietNamNet Bridge - Hanoi used to be surrounded by romantic rivers, but now the heavily polluted rivers are threatening the lives and health of people.

Villagers blame polluted river for cancer deaths

 VietNamNet Bridge – Black-as-coal and smelling of something rank, the Nhue River snakes its way through the middle of Van Hoang Commune, Phu Xuyen District in Ha Noi.

Once-poetic Day River in Hanoi now a black, polluted mess

From September to January, the romantic Day River praised in many Vietnamese poems, which traverses Hanoi’s suburban districts, has turned black due to pollution from waste water coming from its upper stream.

Hanoi discharges water from Nhue River to reduce flooding

VietNamNet Bridge – This afternoon, August 9, the Hanoi authorities decided to discharge water from the Nhue River to the To Lich River, in the city’s center, in order to reduce flooding in the city.