As of 20:00 on June 20, the border gates of Huu Nghi, Tan Thanh and Chi Ma saw 778 container trucks waiting for customs clearance, down by 135 vehicles against the previous day. Of them, 472 trucks were carrying fruits, down 69 day-on-day, and accounting for some 60% of the total number of vehicles at the time, according to data from the provincial Department of Industry and Trade.
On June 20, the three border gates processed customs clearance procedures for 576 trucks carrying import-export items, with 279 carrying goods for export and the remainder for import.
Specifically, at the Huu Nghi international border gate, only 197 trucks, with 152 carrying fruits, were awaiting customs clearance for export. This border gate processed customs clearance for 147 trucks daily, including 93 transporting export items and 54 carrying import ones.
The same day, the Tan Thanh border gate recorded 185 trucks carrying export goods and 109 transporting import commodities traveling through the gate. By 20:00 on June 20, 581 trucks carrying goods for export were awaiting customs clearance.
At the Chi Ma border gate, there were no trucks stranded at the gate for customs clearance.
Source: Saigon Times