
Update news Office

Office segment resilient amid health emergency struggles

In the first months of 2020, the office segment remained resilient in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City admit the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tougher market for office for lease in coming time

Delays to approvals for new office developments, along with proposed land price hikes, are unsettling the prospects for the Ho Chi Minh City office segment.

Quality office space vital in retaining talent

In addition to an attractive salary and welfare benefits, working environment and space play a key role in attracting talent as well as improving work efficiency.

Social News 26/10

Vietnamese female soldiers to join UN's peacekeeping activities, One dead, nine injured in coach accident, Vietnam launches hydrographic commission, office, Six hydropower plants listed significant


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Scientists warn about “office risks”

The people working at offices and self-contained buildings are prone to some diseases of headache or inflammation because of the regular inhalation of volatile organic compounds arising from printers, wooden furniture or paints.