Vietnam’s best-known artists and celebrities are campaigning to collect one million signatures in support of a ban on the trade in, slaughtering and consumption of dogs.


Their action is within the “Ve di Vang oi” campaign launched by the Asia Canine Protection Alliance (ACPA) on April 14.

The celebrities include singers Thu Minh, Uyen Linh, Truc Nhan, Trang Phap, Chipu and Gil Le, rapper Ha Le, model Truong Thi May, actress Ngo Thanh Van, musician Quoc Trung and stage director Charlie Nguyen.

The Vietnamese celebrities sent their messages on dog protection on their individual pages (Facebook, Twitter and others). They also shared a video clip to show the maltreatment of dogs.

Dogs are packed tightly into cages and transported for days. The dead and the living remain together for the entire journey. The final destinations of the dogs are the slaughterhouses, markets and dog meat restaurants where they are brutally killed.

“I didn’t know”, “Now I know and you know”, “It has to be condemned and we have to stop it!”, Vietnamese celebrities said in that video clip.

The “Ve di Vang oi” campaign aims to collect over one million signatures in support of a ban on the trade in, slaughtering and consumption of dogs, which will be submitted to the Vietnamese government.

In May, Vietnam’s National Assembly will discuss for the first time the inclusion of animal protection provisions within the national veterinary law. This would be an important step forward to improve the legislative protection of the country’s animals.

According to a survey conducted by ACPA, five million dogs are slaughtered for food in Vietnam every year.