Frontline healthcare workers are the first to be given the AstraZeneca vaccine shots.

Hai Duong province, the epicenter of the country’s latest coronavirus outbreak, topped the list of localities with the highest number of vaccinated people (6,287).

It was followed by Hung Yen (840), Bac Giang (823), Ho Chi Minh City 774) and Gia Lai (200).

In all people in 12 cities and provinces have been inoculated against COVID-19 and none of them have shown serious side-effects, said the Ministry of Health.

According to the ministry, only several cases of anaphylaxis have been reported and they have all been handled promptly.

Some others have shown mild post-injection symptoms such as pain, fatigue, or a low fever, and experts say these are common side-effects.

Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan on March 12 played down public concerns about the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine after a number of European and Asian countries suspended the vaccine following reports of blood clots in some vaccinated people.

There has been no evidence of a link between serious incidents and AstraZeneca shots, and Vietnam will continue use of the vaccine, said Thuan, citing scientists’ studies.

Vietnam kick-started the national COVID-19 vaccination campaign on March 8, using the AstraZeneca vaccine. It first imported 117,600 doses in late February, and more than 5.6 million doses are scheduled to arrive in March and April.

Three waves of the novel coronavirus outbreaks have attacked Vietnam since January 2020, with more than 2,500 people infected.

The latest outbreak, which started in late January 2021, has spread to 13 cities and provinces across the country.  

The epidemic has been brought under control, with several cases sporadically recorded in Hai Duong only.


AstraZeneca vaccine will continue to be used in Vietnam

AstraZeneca vaccine will continue to be used in Vietnam

No cases of blood coagulation have been recorded in Vietnam, so the vaccine will continue to be used as planned.