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At 9:30pm on July 25, despite the late hour and continuous rain, many residents of Ho Chi Minh City remained hopeful to enter the hall and express their respect and gratitude to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

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Crowds of people patiently queued outside the Reunification Hall. 
People quietly proceed into Reunification Hall.
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Many children waited for hours with their parents to pay their respects. 

Trinh Lu Hong Thuan, 44, from District 12, traveled 25 kilometers to the hall with her son immediately after he finished school. Their wish was to light incense for the General Secretary.

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"Although I never met him, I saw his simple, approachable image through the media. When I heard of his passing, it felt like losing a father. I will advise my children to always learn and strive to emulate this virtuous and talented party member," Thuan said emotionally.

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Nguyen Chi Thien, a 20-year-old student at the University of Finance and Marketing from District 7, expressed his admiration: "General Secretary Trong was a leader who loved the people and cared deeply about education. Visiting him today, we see how much he was loved by the people of the city and the whole country. We promise to follow his example in our studies and future endeavors."

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By 10 PM on July 25, the funeral organizers in Ho Chi Minh City reported that 691 groups, totaling 38,127 people (including 19,650 citizens), had visited the Reunification Hall to pay their respects to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Today (July 26), the visitation will continue from 7 AM to 1 PM.

Nguyen Hue – Ho Van