Party chief holds high-level phone talks with US President hinh anh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (Photo: VNA)

The two leaders expressed their delight at the talks that offer them an opportunity to exchange views on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership.

They spoke highly of the positive and comprehensive development of the bilateral relationship over the past time, and agreed to promote, develop and deepen it, for interests of both nations, as well as peace, cooperation and development.

The leaders suggested competent agencies of both sides exchange specific contents to further strengthen the relations in the time ahead.

Trong stressed that the achievements recorded in the bilateral ties match wishes of the two countries’ people and are enhanced on the basis of respect for independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political institutions of each other, mutual understanding, and equal, mutually beneficial cooperation, and in the spirit of “shelving the past, overcoming differences, promoting similarities and looking toward the future.” Biden agreed with the Vietnamese Party chief’s views. 

Trong affirmed that Vietnam consistently pursues its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation, diversification and multilateralisation of relations, active and proactive global integration. Vietnam is a friend, reliable partner and active and responsible member of the international community.

In order to develop the relationship between the two countries in an intensive, sustainable and practical manner in the coming time, he proposed several major orientations such as strengthening contacts and exchanges at all levels in flexible forms, including stepping up ties between the two countries' Governments, legislatures, parties and people.

He suggested both sides continue expanding and turning economic, scientific, and technological cooperation into a focus and driving force for their relations. They should realise agreements on national defence and security cooperation; attach importance to promoting harmonious and sustainable trade; cooperate in ensuring supply chains, developing infrastructure and emerging areas such as logistics, digital economy, green transformation and health care. At the same time, both sides  need to strengthen collaboration in addressing the war consequences, keeping the UN peace, exchanging information, and preventing crime, among others.
Party chief holds high-level phone talks with US President hinh anh 2
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong holds high-level phone talks with US President Joe Biden on March 29 night (Vietnam time). (Photo: VNA)
The Vietnamese leader proposed the US continue creating favourable conditions to increase the number of Vietnamese students in the country. He welcomed the building of Fulbright University Vietnam into a high-quality education centre in the region. Thanking the US for helping Vietnam with COVID-19 prevention and control, he asked the US to continue with support for Vietnam's efforts.

"Vietnam is ready to cooperate with international partners to reinforce friendship and dialogue, strengthen peace, promote development, uphold international law and cope with common challenges," he said, adding that in this direction, Vietnam welcomes the US's support for ASEAN's central role and its collaboration with ASEAN member states to promote the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

He said Vietnam hails the US for joining other partners in negotiations for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) in an open, inclusive, balanced, and mutually beneficial manner, with the conditions of developing countries such as Vietnam being taken into account. 

Vietnam continues to coordinate with the US and partners to promote peace, cooperation and sustainable development in the Mekong subregion, he added.

The Party chief affirmed that responding to climate change is one of the major policies in Vietnam's development strategy, while welcoming the efforts of the international community, including the US, in this issue. He hoped the US would continue to support Vietnam's efforts.

President Biden affirmed Vietnam is an important partner. He said the US supports an "independent, self-resilient and prosperous" Vietnam, while reiterating respect for Vietnam's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political regime. He agreed that respect is an important foundation of the bilateral relationship.

Biden discussed some international issues such as climate change response, post-pandemic socio-economic recovery, and democratic and human rights cooperation. The President agreed with the cooperation directions raised by Party General Secretary Trong, such as promoting cooperation in trade, clean energy and energy transition.

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry will continue to have specific discussions with Vietnam on this issue, he said.

President Biden said the US commits to promoting peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, looks forward to the cooperation of Vietnam and other countries in negotiating the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, and supports and promotes cooperation for the peaceful and sustainable development of the Mekong region. He also affirmed the importance of ASEAN's central role and thanked Vietnam for its contribution to the success of the ASEAN-US Special Summit 2022.

The two leaders also agreed on maintaining peace, stability and cooperation, ensuring freedom of navigation and overflight, not using or threatening force in international relations, implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and soon signing an efficient and effective Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Joe Biden reiterated their invitations for mutual high-level visits. The two leaders accepted the invitations with pleasure and assigned the relevant agencies to arrange them at suitable times./.VNA