General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong held talks with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and State President Xi Jinping on November 12.


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (R) welcomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and State President Xi Jinping

Trong congratulated the Chinese top leader on the success of the CPC’s 19th National Congress and on his re-election as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the 19th tenure.

He said he believed that under the leadership of the CPC headed by Xi, Chinese people will achieve all targets set by the CPC’s 19th National Congress and turn China into a strong, democratic, civilised, modern and beautiful socialist nation.

He also appreciated China’s participation in and contributions to the success of the 2017 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting.

Xi expressed his delight at visiting Vietnam again right after the CPC’s 19th National Congress. He congratulated Vietnam on successfully organising the 2017 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting as well as the meeting’s outcomes in fostering development in the region and the world.

He showed his sympathy over losses caused by recent disasters in Vietnam.

During their talks, the two Party chiefs informed each other of their respective country’s situation, discussing and agreeing on major orientations and measures to boost the relations between the Parties and countries in the time ahead.

They said they are delighted at positive developments in the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, as evidenced by the regular high-level meetings, and intensified cooperation between ministries, localities and peoples. The two countries remain each other’s important economic partner, while trade, investment and tourism ties have enjoyed growth, and border situations on land and in the Gulf of Tonkin have basically been stable.

Both agreed to uphold the achieved results, and work actively to solve existing difficulties and shortcomings so as to develop the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership stably and sustainably.

Party General Secretary Trong affirmed Vietnam treasures and wants to boost its friendship and neighbourliness and the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China in a stable and deeper fashion, and back China’s efforts to grow further and contribute positively to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world.



An overview of the meeting 

He emphasised several main points to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two Parties and countries.

Firstly, he asked the countries to intensify delegation exchanges, increase the efficiency of collaboration between the two Parties, and strengthen cooperation between the Vietnamese National Assembly and the National People’s Congress of China, between the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and between the two countries’ ministries and peoples, particularly young generations.

He stressed the need to promote the coordinating role of the Steering Committee on Bilateral Cooperation in supervising and speeding up the implementation of signed agreements, especially high-level ones, and step up cooperation in diplomacy, defence, security and law enforcement.

It is essential to well implement the declaration on joint vision on defence cooperation by 2025, organise border defence exchanges and strategic defence dialogues, and share experience in Party work, political affairs, health, joining United Nations peacekeeping missions, and combating crimes.

The Vietnamese Party chief requested the two sides to maintain coordination between the two Foreign Ministries in boosting the bilateral ties as well as at multilateral forums, and direct press agencies to expand reporting each country’s land, people, and socio-economic development achievements as well as the bilateral relations, so as to enhance mutual understanding and consolidate the social foundation for the bilateral ties.

Secondly, the two sides should improve the effectiveness of cooperation in economy and other fields, he said, suggesting that both countries continue efficiently implementing high-level agreements and common perceptions, focusing on expanding investment and trade scale and applying measures to reduce Vietnam’s trade deficit.

Vietnam and China should boost win-win partnership in areas of China’s strength and Vietnam’s demand, including agriculture, environment, climate change response, science-technology and transportation, especially in seeking new rice varieties adapting to salinity condition in the Mekong Delta region, he said.

Trong proposed that the two countries properly settle issues related to fishing vessels and fishermen; manage, protect and use water resources along shared border in a sustainable manner, while working closely in preventing and coping with flood, ensuring nuclear safety, and creating optimal conditions for road, railway and airway transportation.

Thirdly, Vietnam and China should maintain peace and stability and deal with problems at sea smoothly, he stated.

The Party leader also underscored the necessity of safeguarding lasting peace and stability to minimize risks of instability, and building trust in the settlement of East Sea issues between countries concerned, saying this will benefit all sides involved as well as the region and the world.

All parties should exercise restraint and take no moves to complicate the situation or expand disputes, while respecting legitimate and legal rights of each other, and focusing efforts on maintaining peace and stability at sea to prioritize socio-economic development tasks.

He proposed that Vietnam and China fully and effectively implement the agreement on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), in parallel with soon conducting the practical negotiation for the building of an effective and efficient Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

The two countries should consider the application of suitable cooperation forms in some areas with real overlapping in line with international law, he said, adding that they should stick to carrying out the agreed roadmap, and utilize the experience gained in sea delineation and cooperation inside the Gulf of Tonkin to make progress in the delineation and collaboration in the waters off the mouth of the Gulf of Tonkin.

At the same time, they should consider the possibility and plans of cooperation among relevant parties as well as between ASEAN and China in some less sensitive areas with shared interest, including the management of fishing and protection of the maritime ecology and environment, said Trong.



The two Party chiefs and Hanoi people 

For his part, Xi briefed his host on the major outcomes of the CPC’s 19th National Congress.

He declared that the Party and Government of China always give great attention to unceasingly reinforcing and developing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam under the motto “Friendly neighbours, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability, looking toward the future” and in the spirit of “Good neighbors, good friends, good comrades, and good partners”.

He showed support for major orientations and measures to develop partnership between the two Parties and countries proposed by Party General Secretary Trong, while affirming that China attaches importance to maintaining and promoting bilateral traditional friendship with Vietnam.

He held that both sides should view the bilateral ties with a strategic and long-term vision, thus developing a stable, healthy and sustainable relationship to benefit people of both countries and contribute to peace, stability, development and prosperity of the region.

Xi suggested that the two countries continue maintaining regular high-level contacts and enhancing strategic exchanges and political trust; deepen the Party exchange channel and increase exchanges and cooperation in the fields of diplomacy, security, and defence; and promote substantial cooperation in service of each country’s renovation and reform, by bringing into full play the coordinating role of the Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation.

He also referred to promoting the efficiency of cooperative mechanisms on trade, infrastructure, and monetary-finance, and connecting development strategies of “Two Corridors, One Belt” framework and “Belt and Road” initiative to grow the countries’ economic-trade ties in a balanced and sustainable manner towards the 100-billion-USD goal in 2017.

He also suggested the two sides support and facilitate cooperation between localities and border areas of the two countries, increase people-to-people exchange, and ratchet up affiliations in social security to improve people’s life.

He vowed that China will continue providing a non-refundable aid worth 600 million CNY in three years to improve social security in Vietnam’s northern localities.

China will spare no effort to soundly manage conflicts at sea to maintain peace and stability in the East Sea, Xi stressed, affirming that China wants to work with ASEAN to implement comprehensively and efficiently the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and negotiate and build the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC).

He also suggested the two sides boost coordination at multilateral mechanisms like the United Nations, APEC, China-ASEAN, and Lancang-Mekong, contributing to maintaining peace, prosperity and development in the region and the world at large.

After their talks, the leaders witnessed the signing of cooperative documents between the two countries. 

Party chief chairs welcome ceremony for Xi Jinping


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinpinginspect the guards of the honour 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong chaired a red-carpet welcome ceremony for General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and State President Xi Jinping on the afternoon of November 12.

The ceremony, held at the Presidential Palace, was the highest ritual for a head of state.

Following the ceremony, the two leaders held talks at the headquarters of the CPV Central Committee.

Trong spoke highly of Xi’s visit and his attendance at the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in central Da Nang city.

He congratulated his guest on the success of the CPC’s 19th National Congress and on his re-election as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the 19th tenure.

The visit affirms the Chinese Party and State’s treasuring of consolidating and boosting relations with Vietnam, and is an important milestone that charts a new development course for the two countries, further deepening their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping is on a State visit to Vietnam from November 12-13. The visit was made under the invitation of Vietnam’s Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Tran Dai Quang.

NA Chairwoman meets Chinese Party chief Xi Jinping


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) welcomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and State President Xi Jinping in Hanoi 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan met with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and State President Xi Jinping in Hanoi on November 12.

Ngan congratulated China on the success of the CPC’s 19th National Party Congress, expressing her belief that under the leadership of the CPC and General Secretary Xi, Chinese people would progress further in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and realising two key goals in celebration of the CPC’s 100th anniversary and other socio-economic growth targets as set at the congress.

The top legislator briefed her guest on the Vietnamese parliament’s priorities in making law and overseeing the nation’s important matters, adding that the agency has been improved toward effectiveness and democracy. 

Ngan affirmed that Vietnam values the development of stable and long-lasting relations with China, thus supporting the neighbouring country’s further growth, its increasingly active role and practical contributions to peace and prosperity in the region and in the world.

She said amid complicated and fast changing situations in the globe, both nations want to sustain a peaceful and stable environment to reform, integrate, and build a socialist government based on the rule of law.

She urged both sides to implement common perceptions reached by their Party and State leaders to boost cooperation across sectors, laying a basis for bilateral ties to thrive.

She suggested the two countries maintain discussion and exchanges between their high-ranking leaders to promptly handle key diplomatic issues, reinforce political trust, and propel forward bilateral cooperation.   

She added a need to direct relevant agencies to implement bilateral agreements and joint programmes and expand the engagements in line with each country’s development strategy for mutual benefits.

Controlling disagreements, stabilising marine situations, as well as increasing people-to-people exchanges, particularly among youths, intellectuals and border residents, are also key to healthy bilateral relations, Ngan stated.    

Regarding cooperation between the two legislative bodies, Ngan suggested that both sides effectively implement agreement between Vietnam’s NA and China’s National People’s Congress, while strengthening the exchange of experience, especially in law-making and supervising the governments in conducting signed collaboration deals.

Committees of the two parliaments should also foster the sharing of information and experience, she said, proposing that both sides support each other at regional and global parliamentarian forums.

For his part, Xi recalled his good impressions during his Vietnam tour in 2015. He affirmed that the Party and State of China always attach importance to developing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam.

He stressed the need to further consolidate and promote the traditional friendship between the two countries, as well as the increase of high-level exchanges and meetings.

The two sides should boost cooperation in practical areas, achieve balanced and sustainable trade, cooperate in infrastructure, and production, and build cross-border economic zones as well as major cooperation projects, while expanding people-to-people contacts and connectivity between youngsters and media agencies, he said.

Vietnam and China should work together in well controlling disagreements, he stressed.

The Chinese leader also highly valued the role and significance of bilateral legislative cooperation, describing it as an important factor of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries.

He lauded the expanded delegation exchanges between the Chinese National People’s Congress and the National Assembly of Vietnam, saying these have contributed to the building of the State of the rule of law in each country. Both sides have also coordinated in regional and world inter-parliamentarian forums, he noted.

Xi also expressed his hope that the two legislative bodies continue optimizing their pioneering role in bolstering the friendship between the two peoples, thus deepening mutual understanding, trust and solidarity and providing a solid social foundation for the countries’ relations.

He said he welcomes the Vietnamese top legislator to pay an official visit to China soon.

Banquet welcomes Chinese Party General Secretary Xi Jinping


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong and President Tran Dai Quang, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and State President Xi Jinping and other delegates at the banquet 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CP​V) Nguyen Phu Trong and President Tran Dai Quang co-hosted a banquet for General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and State President Xi Jinping in Hanoi on November 12.

Addressing the event, CPV chief Nguyen Phu Trong said that the reinforcement and promotion of the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and China is suitable to the fundamental and long-term interest of people of both sides, for peace, stability and development of the region and the world.

The stable and long-term growth as well as the achievements of the ties between the two Parties and States is an integral factor of the stability and development of each country, he stated.


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the banquet 

He underscored Vietnam’s wish to work with the Party, State and people of China in strengthening the traditional friendship and practical collaboration to make the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership grow unceasingly in a healthy and stable manner.

For his part, the Chinese leader held that amidst the complicatedly changing international and regional situation, the reform and opening courses of both China and Vietnam are facing many new opportunities and challenges.

Both countries have been persistently sticking to the leadership of the communist party and the path to socialism, he noted, suggesting that the sides increase solidarity and affiliation, walking hands in hands for prosperity of their people and for peace, stability and development in the region and the world.


General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and State President Xi Jinping speaks at the banquet 

China hopes to work together with Vietnam to pursue the motto of “Friendly neighbours, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability, looking toward the future” and in the spirit of “Good neighbors, good friends, good comrades, and good partners,” thus bolstering the growth of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries.

Earlier, Trong and Xi visited a photo exhibition highlighting Chinese people and nation through the view of Vietnamese photographers.

The exhibition introduced 42 photos featuring the natural landscapes, history, the development and cultural life of China.

This was part of activities implementing the cultural agreement between the two Governments, aiming to promote people-to-people contacts between the two sides. 

Official reception for President Xi Jinping in Hanoi


An official ceremony took place in Hanoi on November 12 to welcome Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping.


General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping at the reception


Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping arrived in Hanoi on November 12 afternoon, starting his two-day State visit to Vietnam 

