Vietnam and the US have made clear their viewpoints and discussed candidly pragmatic benefits of bilateral cooperation during Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s recently-concluded US visit, according to official members of the Party leader’s entourage.

Minister of Industry and Trade Vu Huy Hoang said the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement was among important matters discussed during the visit.

In the joint vision statement adopted during the visit, the two sides affirmed that they would closely coordinate with the other negotiating parties to conclude the deal as soon as possible and carry out any necessary reforms to meet the high standards of the TPP agreement.

Both countries are committed to a high-quality, balanced TPP agreement that helps boost economic, trade and investment ties between the US and Vietnam while providing a new impetus for regional economic cooperation, noted the minister.

He held that together with the signing of the deal, discussion outcomes between the two sides will create favourable conditions for bolstering bilateral cooperation on a larger scale and with higher quality.

Meanwhile, Deputy Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh said defence cooperation is another significant result of the visit.

The two sides reached important consensus on putting aside the past, overcoming differences, promoting similarities and heading towards the future, he said.

This is a common trend of the era, he held, expressing belief that after the visit, Vietnam-US ties will take important steps forwards, bringing peace, stability and development to each country as well as the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

Vinh noted that defence partnerships were on the agenda of talks between the Party chief and US President Obama and are an important component of the joint vision statement. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to fully implement the memorandum of understanding on defence affiliation signed in 2011 as well as the strategic defence vision reached in June this year.

They also sought stronger collaborating on a number of issues, including overcoming war consequences, dealing with non-traditional security threats, search and rescue and law enforcement at sea.

Both countries also agreed to enhance cooperation in UN peacekeeping operations, which is a new area for Vietnam but one the US has much experience in and resources for, Vinh added.

At the same time, writer Chu Lai shared his feelings on solidarity between the two nations after the leader’s visit. He said the Vietnamese leader spoke with people from all walks of life with an open heart, listening to both the Vietnamese community in the US and US friends.

General Secretary of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, Most Venerable Thich Duc Thien, stated that Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit sent a clear message of religious freedom in Vietnam.

In his meeting with US religious dignitaries, the leader affirmed that the first Constitution of Vietnam already mentioned the right to religious freedom of citizens. The observance of the right has been reflected in the increase of religious followers in urban, rural and mountainous areas, he noted.

Detailed information given by the leader was welcomed by US religious dignitaries, many of whom visited Vietnam and experienced the country’s religious life, he added.