Tướng Nguyễn Trọng Nghĩa chia sẻ chính sách quân sự trước thách thức mới

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Nghia


The statement was made by Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Nghia, member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Central Military Commission and Deputy Director of the General Department of Politics under the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), on the sidelines of the ongoing 13th National Party Congress.

According to Mr. Nghia, one of the most standout achievements of the country is the Party leadership of the tasks of safeguarding the country and building all-people defence in the new era.

Regarding defence and military strategies and those on security and nation safeguarding on cyberspace as well as the legal system, Vietnam has issued several laws and continues amending and perfecting several other laws related to military and defence tasks, he said.

According to the officer, to promote the achievements gained in the 12th Congress tenure, the part on orientations in the Political Report submitted to the 13th Congress continues to demonstrate a consistent inheritance along with new points on the missions of safeguarding the nation and building the all-people defence.

Many new viewpoints on military and defence strategies continue to be concretised in Party documents, such as proactively preventing war early and from afar; maintaining the goal of defending the country, national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; protecting national interests, the Party, the socialist regime and the people; maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national development; promoting the synergy of the whole nation, with the armed forces and the army in particular being the core.

“We have a closely cohesive vision, not only between defence-security and diplomacy, but also between defence-security, diplomacy and socio-economic development, especially Party building,” Nghia said.

The Party exercises leadership over the protection of the fatherland, with the key and decisive factor being continuing to maintain and strengthen the absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the military and public security forces as well as the national safeguarding and defence-security cause, he stressed.

Upholding the tradition of the People’s Army, the Party has defined the direction of building a regular, elite and modern revolutionary army, he added.

Mr. Nghia said Vietnam has been able to manufacture several kinds of weapons and military equipment and will continue with research and innovation work in order to ensure the army is capable of fulfilling the mission of safeguarding the fatherland.

Press release on opening session of 13th National Party Congress

Press release on opening session of 13th National Party Congress

A total 1,587 delegates representing more than 5 million Party members nationwide are attending the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), which officially kicked off in Hanoi on January 26.

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13th National Party Congress: Stepping up renewal process, rapid and sustainable national development

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) officially opened in Hanoi this morning (January 26), with the participation of 1,587 delegates representing more than 5.1 million Party members nationwide.