Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said he wants stronger defence cooperation with Myanmar during a reception for Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services of Myanmar, Sen. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing in Naypyidaw on August 25.


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services of Myanmar, Sen. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing

The Party chief, who is on a State visit to Myanmar, said the two nations are close neighbours in the Southeast Asia and share many similarities in history and cultural traditions as well as common interests. Their potential and strengths are also complementary, according to the Party leader. 

He noted that the Vietnam – Myanmar relations have continuously been consolidated by the two nations’ leaders, particularly since the establishment of diplomatic ties in May, 1975.

General Secretary Trong lauded the cooperation between the two Defence Ministries and armies, particularly after the signing of the agreement on defence cooperation in 2011, adding that Sen. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing’s official visit to Vietnam in March this year had opened up numerous contents for bilateral cooperation in training, military medicine and defence industry.

He expressed his hope that the cooperation between the armies and military forces of the two countries will further grow, contributing actively and effectively to bilateral relations in line with the spirit of the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership freshly established during the Vietnamese Party leader’s ongoing visit to Myanmar.

For his part, Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing briefed General Secretary Trong on the cooperation between the two nations’ armies, and shared the evaluations of the Party leader on the cooperation between the two Defence Ministries over the past years.

He affirmed that there is great potential and room for the two nations to bolster their cooperation, adding that the armed force of Myanmar will work hard to implement the agreement on bilateral defence affiliation, thus raising the defence relations to the level of the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership between the two countries.

Party chief values role of Myanmar Union Solidarity Development Party

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) and Chairman of Myanmar’s Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) Than Htay 

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received Chairman of Myanmar’s Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) Than Htay in Naypyidaw on August 25, as part of his State visit to the country.

The Party chief told his guest about outcomes of his talks with President Htin Kyaw and the remarkable agreement between the two countries to establish a comprehensive cooperative partnership, describing it as a new milestone, a new height and new driving force for bilateral ties. 

Trong noted that Vietnam values the engagement with the USDP and the party’s significant contributions to Vietnam – Myanmar ties, which have helped lay a firm foundation for the newly-established comprehensive cooperative partnership.

For his part, Than Htay said the USDP, as a major political party in Myanmar, always treasures and promotes friendship cooperation with the Vietnamese Government and Communist Party for mutual benefits of the two countries and their people.

Both host and guest agreed to strengthen affiliations between their parties, thus consolidating the political foundation for Vietnam – Myanmar comprehensive cooperative partnership.

On the occasion, Trong invited the USDP leader to visit Vietnam.

In the afternoon, the Party chief left Naypyidaw for Yangon, Myanmar’s ancient imperial capital and largest city.-