View of the Party Central Committee's 9th plenum. — VNA/VNS Photo Thống Nhất

The Party Central Committee's ninth plenum, which was chaired by Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng, concluded on Saturday after three days of discussions.

Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính moderated the closing session.

In three days, PCC reviewed and provided feedback on the draft reports and agendas for the upcoming National Party Congress (NPC).

While agreeing with the documents, PCC instructed the sub-committees to further refine them, ensuring ideological consistency and clarity for implementation.

In his closing remarks, Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng emphasised that the documents must be worthy of being presented to the NPC, reflecting the Party's and the people's will.

He said the documents must be based on the implementation of 13th National Assembly (NA)'s Resolution, PCC's resolutions, the summary of 40 years of Đổi Mới (The Reform) and 15 years of implementing the Party's Charter (revised in 2011).

He highlighted key issues requiring in-depth analysis, including developing a comprehensive framework for Việt Nam's technology and innovation advancement, building talent pools and laying the groundwork for digital transformation and energy transition.

He revealed PCC had given feedback and reached a high consensus on the subjects that the Politburo brought up, which centred around which part of Directive 35-CT/TW is relevant, which needs to be revised and which to be removed.

He said reviews must be carefully conducted to select and nominate highly qualified personnel. Attention must be paid to "new blood" to ensure a proper ratio of young officials, female officials and ethnic minority officials.

He also said PCC had discussed and agreed on a plan to introduce nominees for the positions of President of Việt Nam and Chairman of the National Assembly. The Party's delegations to NA will propose the nominations to NA for consideration in its 7th session starting on May 20.

He also underlined four officials being elected to the Politburo with a high rate of confidence votes, namely Lê Minh Hưng, PCC Secretary and Chief of Office; Nguyễn Trọng Nghĩa, PCC Secretary and Head of the Central Commission for Information and Education; Bùi Thị Minh Hoài, PCC Secretary and Head of the Central Commission for Mass Mobilisation; and Đỗ Văn Chiến, PCC Secretary and Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

Politburo, he added, had decided to have Trương Thị Mai cease her positions as a Politburo and PCC member and retire due to violations of the Party code of conduct.

He said PCC had also imposed disciplinary measures of expulsion from the Party on Dương Văn Thái, PCC member and Chairman of Bắc Giang Province and Mai Tiến Dũng, former PCC member and Minister-Chairman of the Government Office.

Meanwhile, Lê Thanh Hải, former Politburo member and Scretary of HCM City, was dismissed from all positions in the Party for his legal violations.

The Party General Seceraty requested that, immediately after the plenium, the following be done: .

The drafts must be finalised and handed in to PCC at the end of the year for consideration; the Politburo's directives must be well implemented to prepare for the 14th National Party Congress; and the action plan for the 2024-2025 period must be put in place in line with the Resolution of the 13th NPC. — VNS