philippe troussier wins vff s trust ahead of world cup qualifiers picture 1
Chief coach of the Vietnam national football team Philippe Troussier

The Vietnamese team strive to finish second in the group to enter the third qualifying round of the 2026 World Cup, and the next two matches against Indonesia will decide whether or not the team can meet that goal, said Tu.

Troussier took the helm early last year and he faced a lot of pressure and criticism when U23 Vietnam only won the bronze medal at SEA Games 32 and the national senior team failed to pass the 2023 Asian Cup group stage.

However, the VFF affirmed that the French leader still receives support in his hot seat.

Spiritual support will help him and his players gain confidence to go through two coming matches against Indonesia, said Tu.

Vietnam will have an away match in Jakarta on March 21, and a home match in Hanoi five days later.

Tu said VFF and the head coach has had a meeting to discuss the two coming matches. The Vietnamese team are now facing difficulties when many players cannot perform due to injuries.

Troussier recently called up several veteran players such as strikers Nguyen Cong Phuong, Nguyen Tien Linh and Nham Manh Dung, and defenders Bui Tien Dung, Nguyen Thanh Chung and Nguyen Duc Chien for the training camp.

The team began training in Hanoi on March 13 before flying to Indonesia week later.  

Despite Indonesia reinforcing their strength, with more than 10 naturalized players, the VFF still has faith in Troussier and his players, said the VFF vice president.

Vietnam are now placed second in Group F with three points, just behind Iraq that also have three points but in a higher position on goal difference. They are then followed by Indonesia and the Philippines, both on one point each.