VietNamNet Bridge - International travelers explore the countryside by bike or do farm work such as ploughing and riding a buffalo.

Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An

A peaceful countryside road in the ancient town of Hoi An.




Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An

American tourist Maureen Terris said that exploring the countryside and working as a farmer for a day helped her understand Vietnam’s unique wet rice culture. "Returning home, I will tell my exciting experience to my family and friends. The rural tour in Hoi An has left a good impression," she said.




Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An


Singaporean kids hoe to plant vegetables. "We explored the countryside, land had a chance to return to nature and had many great experiences," said Singaporean tourist Iron Man Chef Hewan.




Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An


German tourists smell the special scent of herbs in Tra Que Vegetable Village.



Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An

Australian kids bail water out of a bamboo bucket.



Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An

To serve foreign visitors discovering Hoi An’s countryside, in 2010 Tran Van Khoa, director of a travel company, invested hundreds of millions dong to develop the special countryside tour and encouraged local people to raise buffalos for tourism.




Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An

International tourists listen to Khoa’s introduction about Vietnam wet rice culture.




Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An


Sitting on buffalo to see the countryside of Hoi An.



Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An

A stop before exploring the countryside on a buffalo.




Du khách cưỡi trâu, cày ruộng ở Hội An

Singaporean tourists in Cam Thanh commune, Hoi An town.

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