VietNamNet Bridge – A photo exhibition in Hanoi is bringing a glimpse of winter in Russia with its impressive landscapes, festivities and winter games.


The exhibition attracts Russian children living in Vietnam who are curious about winter in their homeland. — VNS Photo Minh Thu

The Russian Centre of Science and Culture hosted an exhibition called Winter in Russia with aim of enhancing mutual understanding between Russian and Vietnamese people, according to the centre’s director Natalia Shafinskaya. The exhibition kicked off on Thursday.

“Vietnamese people as well as Russian children who were born in Vietnam may understand more about the landscape and activities in Russia,” she said.

“During the opening day, we are happy to receive Russian children living in Vietnam; some of them haven’t experienced the winter in Russia. So the exhibition is really meaningful and interesting for them.”

The photos show the country in snow and the people in traditional games and festivals to welcome the New Year.

The exhibition will run until January 25 at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture, 501 Kim Ma Street, Hanoi. 


Winter’s Fun: Snowman Sculpting. — Photo courtesy of the Russian centre


Popular festivities for Christmas. — Photo courtesy of the Russian centre

Source: VNS