VietNamNet Bridge – The fleet of civil aircraft in Vietnam will increase to 230-250 by 2030, in accordance with the recent civil aviation strategy approved by the Prime Minister.





The plan calls for airlines to substantially increase bilateral and multilateral air transport capacity with traditional markets in South East Asia, northeastern Asia and China.

They will also beef up efforts to promote air transport links to the South Asian region, East Europe and the former Soviet Union.

The strategy outlines plans to expeditiously open air routes and increase passenger and cargo transport capacity on air routes to Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa.

It also places great emphasis on the need to encourage investment in developing regional transit aviation ports as well as enticing foreign airlines to open air routes to these ports.

At the same time, in order to meet the need of increased commerce it is necessary for airlines to have increased capacity and establish more cargo air routes to meet this end goal.

The total number of civil aircraft is expected to surmount to 190-210 by 2020 and further jump to 230-250 by 2030.

To fulfill the set targets, the aviation sector will continue to heavily invest and upgrade infrastructure such as terminals and parking lots to improve the efficiency and enlarge aviation ports.

Priorities will be given to expanding and upgrading international airports such as Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Cat Bi, Phu Bai, Da Nang and Cam Ranh and completion of the first phase of Long Thanh international airport.

Moreover, there are plans to turn Chu Lai International airport into a cargo transit centre for Southeast Asia and China’s southern region.

Source: VOV