PM delivers keynote speech at policy dialogue on Vietnam’s global vision hinh anh 1
PM Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the policy dialogue (Photo: VNA)

Davos (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended and delivered a keynote speech at the policy dialogue on Vietnam’s global vision during the 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland on January 16 (local time).

It was one of the eight policy dialogues featuring heads of States and Governments organised by the WEF, reflecting the organisation’s positive evaluation of Vietnam's international role, position, achievements, vision and development prospects.

As a highlight of the WEF Davos 2024, the event saw the distinguished presence of Prof. Klaus Schwab, WEF Founder and Executive Chairman, along with 100 leaders and representatives from various countries, international organisations, corporations and businesses that are members of the WEF. Renowned international relations commentator Thomas Friedman from The New York Times and author of the book "The World is Flat" assumed the role of event coordinator.

Schwab expressed his delight at welcoming PM Chinh for the first time to the WEF Davos meeting, hailing Vietnam not only as a star in the East Asia but also a nation in the process of ascending as an economically influential player on the global stage. He also highly praised Vietnam's role as one of the trailblazers in the development of a green and smart economy.

Sharing a similar view with Schwab, Friedman described Vietnam as an exemplary model of reform and development, internationally recognised for its rapid and sustainable economic progress. In his coordinating role, he expressed a keen interest in understanding Vietnam's experiences, development directions and contributions to the global problem-solving process.

In his speech, PM Chinh highlighted Vietnam’s key directions and stance throughout its nation-building and development process, and great achievements of historical significance during the nearly 40 years of reform.

Drawing on these successes, he outlined five major lessons, including steadfastly pursuing the path of socialism, maintaining a consistent stance on the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralism and diversification of external ties, being a trusted friend, reliable partner and responsible member of the international community; considering the people the architects of history; upholding the strength of great national unity; combining the power of the nation with contemporary forces; and upholding the leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

Building upon these lessons, PM offered two suggestions to other nations. He proposed that they identify resources starting from mindset, motivation rooted in innovation, and strength derived from the people. He also underscored the role of international solidarity and multilateralism in addressing global challenges.

The second suggestion was placing people at the centre as the main subject, the most crucial resource, the driving force, and the ultimate goal of development. Accordingly, people should be directly involved in and benefit from policies.

In response to Friedman's query regarding Vietnam's stance in balancing relations with major powers, Chinh underscored the nation’s status as one of the most adversely affected since the Second World War, enduring persistent impacts from wars, blockades, and sanctions. Nevertheless, Vietnam has put the past aside, overcome differences, promoted similarities, and aimed towards the future to turn adversaries into friends.

He asserted that the recent visits to Vietnam by Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden demonstrate unwavering political trust between the nation and its two partners, as well as its foreign policy of independence and self-reliance for peace, cooperation, development, prosperity, multilateralism, and diversification.

Highlighting several priority areas for Vietnam in the near future, including digital transformation, science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and green transition, the PM considered these as both objective requirements and strategic choices.

Regarding the semiconductor field, he shared Vietnam's endeavors in developing strategic infrastructure, particularly in information technology, and disclosed plans to train 50,000 - 100,000 engineers in the time to come.

Addressing artificial intelligence (AI), Chinh affirmed Vietnam's proactive approach in leveraging its advantages and mitigating its negative aspects, starting with building a national database, refining investment attraction policies, and boosting the effectiveness of manpower training.

He stressed the Vietnamese Government's commitment to further developing three strategic breakthroughs in institutions, infrastructure, and human resources, creating the most favorable conditions for foreign companies to engage in cooperative endeavors, based on maximising mutual trust, hope, and determination. He said he wishes businesses will integrate production, consumption, research, and training.

The PM said Vietnam stands among the nations most severely impacted by climate change, underscoring its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). Vietnam has worked to adapt to landslides, droughts, and natural disasters, implementing an innovative initiative for cultivating one million hectares of high-quality and low-emission rice, which aligns with global sustainability trends and promotes Vietnam's crucial role in ensuring global food security.

His remarks received high praise from delegabtes participating in the session, whose open and interactive format as well as diverse media coverage effectively disseminated the message of a Vietnam with a new great plan, potential, position, and credibility.

PM addresses WEF’s Country Strategic Dialogue on Vietnam

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended and delivered a speech at the World Economic Forum’s Country Strategic Dialogue on Vietnam in Davos, Switzerland, on January 16 (local time).

The event saw the participation of Joo-Ok Lee, Head of Regional Agenda for Asia-Pacific at the World Economic Forum (WEF) and about 60 leaders from the WEF’s global member groups.
This is one of eight national dialogue activities held within the framework of the 54th annual World Economic Forum (WEF) to introduce Vietnam’s socio-economic development strategy, priority areas to draw investments, and specific policies that the Government will carry out in the future in order to create an attractive environment to investors.

At the dialogue, partners showed their interest in Vietnam’s policies in emerging areas such as green transition, renewable energy development, rare earth exploitation, semiconductor industry development, carbon credit market, and power development plan implementation.
The PM affirmed that transforming, finding and creating new growth drivers is an inevitable trend in today's world; no country or economy can develop rapidly and sustainably if it still maintains old thinking, and only relies on traditional growth drivers.

He stressed to promote transformation and creation of new growth drivers, Vietnam will focus on four main groups of solutions, namely reviewing and perfecting institutions and laws with the spirit of creating the most favourable conditions for businesses and investors; developing infrastructure with focus on strategic infrastructure, especially transport infrastructure, digital infrastructure, and infrastructure to respond to climate change; developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources; and restructuring the economy associated with renewing growth model, with priority given to renewable energy industries, green transition, digital transformation, semiconductor industry, and innovation.

Chinh said Vietnam is accelerating transformation, including economic transformation with the renewal of old growth drivers and promotion of new growth drivers; digital transformation, green transition, the development of circular economy, sharing economy, knowledge-based economy; transformation of mechanisms and policies, building strategic infrastructure for transformation; and human resources transformation.

Highlighting the country’s potential, Chinh suggested the WEF and its members continue cooperating with Vietnam, while calling on investors to accompany the country to intensify investment in priority areas such as innovation, high sci-tech, including semiconductor technology and artificial intelligence. He affirmed that Vietnam always accompany and cooperate with investors in the spirit of win-win cooperation, harmonised benefits, and shared risks.

Agreeing with PM Chinh’s speech, WEF leaders and representatives of businesses spoke highly of the achievements in recovery, development, growth of economic size, trade scale, as well as Vietnam's determination to transform and economic prospects. They assessed Vietnam as one of the bright spots for economic recovery in the region, playing a pioneering role in growth model renewal and commitments to energy transition.

The WEF said Vietnam is one of the countries drawing most interest from the business community at this meeting.

Many businesses affirmed their pleasure with investment projects in Vietnam, and showed their impression on the Vietnamese Government’s policies and drastic measures to create an attractive environment as well as its support to the business community.

The business community said that Vietnam is one of the most suitable options, a destination for those seek long-term investment and cooperation opportunities. They wished to continue to support and accompany Vietnam in its development and transition process, while suggesting Vietnam continue sharing issues that the country needs to support, and maintaining stable, long-term policies.

Source: VNA