VietNamNet Bridge – Safeguarding national sovereignty is a sacred task to ensure peace and stability thus paving the way for 2015 to move forward, said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.


At a December 29 online conference on realizing the National Assembly (NA) resolution on socio-economic tasks and budget estimates for 2015, PM Dung proposed a number of key issues to ministries, sectors and localities.

Reviewing the situation in 2014, the government leader said the nation performed tasks in the global complicated and unpredictable complex of political and economic impacts. Despite signs of economic recovery with better macroeconomic stability and positive changes, there were still limitations, weaknesses and huge challenges lying ahead.

The Government leader also cited Chinese illegal stationing of its oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf as a negative impact on various fields, principally economic development.

However, the country fulfilled or exceeded most socio economic targets set by the Party and the National Assembly for 2014 to provide leverage for effectively performing tasks for next year, Dung said.

Looking back to the economic achievements in 2014, PM Dung said the agriculture sector enjoyed a bumper crop and strong export growth while remarkable improvements were seen in economic restructuring, growth model transformation, and competitive efficiency.

According to the PM, 2014 saw ensured socio-political situation and order and safety, strengthened defence and security and increased efficiency of foreign affairs.

Newly registered foreign direct investment (FDI) hit a record high of US$21 billion while US$12.5 billion was disbursed. US$5.5 billion disbursement in ODA were also conducted during the year. It is worth noting that public confidence in the leadership of the Party, the State have greatly increased.

PM Dung pointed out weaknesses in 2014 such as unreasonable budgetary structure, slow-paced domestic budget revenue, still poor business environment and ineffectiveness in combating corruption and wastefulness.

Concerning tasks for 2015, Dung underscored the need to continue to ensure national sovereignty, political security, social order and safety, boost international integration and create favorable conditions for economic development to elevate Vietnam’s international profile.

Source: VOV