Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc held talks with United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres in New York on May 30 (local time), during which the Vietnamese leader highlighted the ties with the global organisation.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) and United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres 

Vietnam considers the ties with UN as a top priority in its foreign policy, the PM stressed, affirming as a responsible member of the UN, the country has made contributions to the UN’s common work, including Vietnam’s fulfillment of its term as a member of the Human Right Council, assumption of the role as a member of the Economic and Social Council and UNESCO executive board and candidacy for the non-permanent membership at the UN Security Council for 2020-21.

He proposed the UN to increase its support for Vietnam in implementing the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, Paris agreement on climate change and Sendai framework on disaster risk reduction.

Vietnam has decided to be among 10 leading countries carrying out the UN initiative on El Nino and La Nina response, he said.

Secretary General Guterres highly valued Vietnam’s recent socio-economic achievements, especially millennium goals, hoping the Southeast Asian nation to succeed in implementing sustainable development goals.

He acknowledged Vietnam’s contributions to UN mechanisms as well as participation in UN peacekeeping forces, while affirming the UN will promote cooperation with Vietnam through the implementation of the one strategic plan for 2017-21.

Discussing regional and international issues, PM Phuc briefed Secretary General Guterres on recent development in the East Sea and asked the UN chief to support and speed up the settlement of disputes in the waters by peaceful measures on the basis of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), full respect for diplomatic and legal process and early finalisation of the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

The UN chief took note Vietnam’s proposals and emphasised the role of preventive diplomacy, settlement of disputes via peaceful measures based on respecting international law.

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam-UN ties, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc invited Secretary General Guterresto visit Vietnam this year. The UN chief thanked and hoped to visit the country in an appropriate time.

The same day, the PM attended the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of Vietnam’s UN membership in the presence of UN Secretary General Guterres, President of the UN General Assembly Peter Thomson, UN senior officials, and ambassadors and head of missions to the UN.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc delivers a speech at the 40th anniversary of Vietnam's UN membership 

Addressing the event, the PM recalled the time when the Vietnamese flag was raising at the UN headquarters 40 years ago, that marked the international community’s recognition of Vietnam of independence, freedom and unification.

The Vietnamese people always keep in their mind on valuable support of the UN and international community in the post-war national reconstruction and development.

Vietnam attaches importance to cooperation with the UN, he affirmed, saying that in the current global situation, it is necessary to promote the UN’s role, especially in the maintenance of peace and security and settlement of conflicts and disputes on the basis of respecting the UN Charter and international law.

He affirmed Vietnam will increase its participation in peacekeeping operations as well as its effort to realise the UN initiative on one plan in Vietnam to a new stage of development.

The PM took this opportunity to call for countries’ support for Vietnam’s bid for the non-permanent membership at the UN Security Council for 2020-21, while stressing the country’s commitment to making contributions to implementing the UN’s noble missions.

The UN Secretary General and UN General Assembly President congratulated Vietnam on its achievements over the past four decades, and acknowledged the country’s contributions to the UN’s work.

Later the day, the PM and his entourage left New York for Washington.