PM speaks on Vietnam’s policy at National Public Service University in Budapest hinh anh 1
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks about Vietnam's policy at the National Public Service University in Budapest on January 19 (Photo: VNA) 

The PM expressed his impressions about the heroic traditions of Hungary in national defence and construction as well as the country’s important contributions to the world in terms of knowledge, science and the art.  

Assessing the current world situation, he stressed that many big problems have arisen, such as aging population, climate change and diseases, which have global significance that calls for a global approach which takes people as the centre, the subject and the target.

Chinh also expressed his view that resources originate in thinking, motivation has its origin in reform and strength has its root in the people.

He highlighted the overall goals, major orientations, cornerstone viewpoints and precious experiences of Vietnam in its cause of national construction and the great achievements after nearly 40 years implementing Doi Moi (renewal) of the country, particularly those in external relations and international integration.

The Government leader said Vietnam is building a law-governed socialist state, a socialist democracy and a socialist-oriented market economy. It pursues the goal of an independent, self-reliant economy that actively and proactively engages in international integration, while building an advanced culture imbued with national characteristics.     

Vietnam follows a consistent external policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, diversification and multilateralisation of relations, active and proactive integration, and being a friend, a reliable partner and an active and responsible member of the international community, he said.

Chinh also stressed that Vietnam is persistent in a defence policy of “four no’s”, noting that Vietnam treasures and advocates peace but is always prepared for the possibility of war.

At the same time, the PM said as developing country with a modest-size but open economy, Vietnam is still facing numerous difficulties and challenges.

Vietnam will continue to persistently follow Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought and apply those ideologies in a creative manner based on the conditions in the country and the world, he said.

He shared the five valuable experiences of Vietnam in the process of struggling for national independence and safeguarding and developing the country, with staying firmly with the path of national independence and socialism as one of them. Besides, it is the people who make history and the revolutionary cause is the cause of the people, by the people and for the people. Furthermore, solidarity brings power, and the national power should be combined with the power of the era, internal strength should be combined with external strength. Meanwhile, the sound leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam is the decisive factor behind all successes of the Vietnamese revolution.  

According to the PM, one of the key reasons behind Vietnam’s achievements is the support from international friends, including Hungary, which is a traditional friend and the first comprehensive partner of Vietnam in the Central Eastern Europe region (in 2018).                   

Looking back at the relationship between the country, PM Chinh underlined that Hungary has always been beside Vietnam in difficult times. Most recently, Hungary was among the first countries to help Vietnam with vaccines and medical supplies during the COVID-19 outbreaks.

He went on to note that Hungary also actively supported Vietnam during the negotiations for the signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and was the first EU member to ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).  

Hungary grants the largest number of scholarships for Vietnamese students and the largest amount of ODA for Vietnam in the Central and Eastern Europe region, Chinh said.

He suggested that ministries and agencies of Vietnam and Hungary continue to facilitate and promote connectivity between young generations of the two countries and exchanges between the two peoples, thus further strengthening the friendship and comprehensive partnership of the two countries.

On the occasion, PM Chinh witnessed the exchange of nine cooperative documents in the education-training field./. VNA