VietNamNet Bridge – Poland has committed VND840 million (roughly US$40,000) in non-refundable aid to a project to refurbish King Tu Duc tomb of the Hue Relics complex.



The aid, granted by Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and channeled through the Polish embassy in Hanoi, will be used to restore a stone stele house of the tomb and provide technical know-how to local experts.

According to the Thua Thien Hue provincial People’s Committee, the project will be carried out from August to December 2013 at a total cost of more than VND1 billion.

King Tu Duc tomb is one of the major tourist attractions within the Hue Relics Complex.

Since 1993, the international community has granted nearly US$6 million to help preserve intangible and tangible cultural heritage in Vietnam.

Poland is one of the first countries providing aid to Thua Thien-Hue to preserve Hue’s vestiges after the UNESCO appeal in 1981.

Source: VOV