Đặng Tất Thắng, former Chairman and CEO of Bamboo Airways, is being sought by the police following allegations against him. — Photo baochinhphu.vn

The allegations were filed by Sài Gòn Thương Tín Commercial JS Bank (Sacombank) claiming that he had infringed upon the rights of certain organisations and individuals.

The police attempted to summon him for investigation but he was not at his residence and his whereabouts have been unknown.

To further investigate the case, the police issued a search warrant for Thắng on May 22 and called on various agencies, including the Immigration Department and Professional Police Profile Department, to assist in the manhunt.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is urged to contact the Investigation Security Agency of the Ministry of Public Security at 254 Nguyễn Trãi Street, Nguyễn Cư Trinh Ward, District 1, HCM City. Phone number: 069.333.6068 – 069.3336603.

Thắng, born in October 1981, was residing in FLC apartment building in Cầu Giấy District, Hà Nội. — VNS