VietNamNet Bridge – Ha Noi Police announced on Sunday they had rescued two girls who were allegedly being trafficked to China.


Lu Van Thanh, 25, the drug trafficker suspect, from Nghe An Province’s Ky Son District at police station. — Photo

19-year-old Moong Thi L (not her real name) and 17-year-old Lo Thi M (not her real name), both from Nghe An Province’s Ky Son District, realised they had been duped in the nick of time.

Lu Van Thanh, 25, also from Ky Son District, has been arrested on suspicion of people trafficking.

According to an initial investigation, Thanh had been working for a wood workshop in China since September last year before his sister, Lu Thi Don, who was also was living in China, suggested trafficking girls into the country for a commission of VND30 million (US$1,310) each.

On his return to Vietnam, Thanh discussed the idea with Luong Van May, also from Ky Son District, who approached L to offer her a lucrative job growing flowers in Da Lat City with a salary of VND6.5 million ($284) per month.

L was in need of a job so she agreed and asked M, a friend, to go with her.

On June 21, Thanh took L and M to a bus station, but instead of taking the bus to the Central Highlands, Thanh brought them to the northern region.

At 5 am on June 22, Thanh took M and L to Nuoc Ngam Bus Station in Hanoi, and it was only after chatting with other passengers that they found out the bus was going to Mong Cai City instead of Da Lat.

Realising they had been tricked, L and M tried to escape, but Thanh forced them back onto the bus. He was thwarted by the driver and security forces and fled, but was later arrested by police for suspected human trafficking.

Further investigations are underway.

Source: VNS

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