Permanent Member of the Secretariat, Luong Cuong, recently signed and issued the Politburo's Conclusion on continuing the implementation of Resolution No. 23 of the 10th Politburo on "continuing to build and develop literature and art in the new era."

The Politburo concluded that after 15 years of implementing Resolution No. 23, the efforts to build and develop literature and art have achieved many positive results.

However, policies and laws have not kept pace with the development of literature and art; there is a lack of influential artists and high-value literary and artistic works...

Therefore, the Politburo requires a significant shift in thinking and leadership methods, enhancing the awareness and responsibility of party committees and organizations, especially leaders, towards literature and art.

This includes emphasizing the unique, sensitive, and delicate nature of literature and art, ensuring they develop in line with the political and ideological direction of the Party while guaranteeing freedom and democracy in creation; igniting and strongly promoting the aspiration to contribute and the creative abilities of artists.

Additionally, the Politburo calls for increased supervision and inspection of the institutionalization of the Party's guidelines on literature and art.

The Politburo also emphasizes the need to enhance resources; improve the efficiency of investment funds for the development of literature and art, creating breakthroughs in attracting and allocating resources; and complete socialization policies.

This includes encouraging the integration of literature and art development with tourism and service industries; gradually establishing programs, products, and brands of national stature; and developing the cultural industry alongside building and perfecting the cultural market...

Furthermore, the Politburo emphasizes the strong development of research, theory, and criticism in literature and art. Especially important is the formulation of policies for training, fostering, employing, rewarding, and honoring those engaged in literary and artistic research, theory, and criticism.

Democratic, constructive dialogue and debate, enhancing the scientific, combative, and persuasive qualities of theoretical and critical work, as well as strengthening the defense of the Party's ideological foundation and combating erroneous and hostile views in the field of literature and art, are also tasks outlined by the Politburo.

Another focus of the Politburo is the effective implementation of discovering, training, fostering, and appointing leadership, management, and advisory personnel in literature and art, with sufficient qualifications, standards, reputation, and professional capacity to meet the demands of their tasks.

This is coupled with creating preferential, breakthrough policies for attracting, training, fostering, employing, and rewarding talents in literature and art, especially in recruitment, salaries, and work environments, focusing on highly skilled and reputable artists capable of leading significant and important research projects.

Moreover, the Politburo calls for the development of mechanisms and policies to support young artists, female artists, those working in remote areas, border regions, islands, the armed forces, and ethnic minorities. There is also an ongoing effort to develop strategies for training literary and artistic talents both domestically and internationally.

The Politburo also emphasizes promoting innovation to meet the needs of cultural revitalization and building the Vietnamese people in the new era; respecting and promoting intellectual and academic freedom and practicing democracy in literary and artistic activities; and encouraging new explorations to enrich Vietnamese cultural identity.

This includes building and perfecting policies for training high-quality human resources in this field; creating breakthroughs in developing the artistic team in the new phase; continuing to strengthen the organization and activities of literary and artistic associations, enhancing membership both in quantity and quality; and encouraging creative freedom and enforcing copyright.

The Politburo also calls for enhancing the role of press, publishing, and media agencies, and social media platforms in promoting and introducing literary and artistic works; creating favorable conditions for artists to collaborate, exchange, and access new, progressive literary and artistic trends and products worldwide.

Thu Hang