The Politburo has issued Resolution No 39-NQ-TW on streamlining and restructuring the contingent of public and civil workers.

The resolution said the goal of the streamlining and restructuring is to improve the quality of the contingent, attract people with talents and good moral quality to work for Party and State agencies and political-social organisations, thus meeting the requirements of the cause of national industrialisation, modernisation and international integration. The work also aims to improve the capacity and efficiency of the political system, while optimising spending and salary policy.

The task should be carried out under the leadership of the Party, the management of the State and the supervision of elected agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, political-social organisations and the public, the resolution said, adding that the process should take place alongside administrative reforms and enhancement of public services quality.

Personnel streamlining should go with reforming salary policy, the political system’s organisation and the Party’s leadership method, the resolution said.

While noting that the Party’s policy on streamlining and restructuring the contingent of public and civil workers has been actively carried out by administrations at all levels and in all sectors with important outcomes made, the resolution said the overall efficiency remains limited. The total number of the contingent is still on the rising trend, particularly in State-owned non-productive units and communal-level administrations. The functions, tasks and requirements of each agency and sector have not been clarified, hindering the designing of suitable personnel structure. The assessment of public and civil workers remains a weak point.

The resolution attributed these poor results to first of all the poor performance of the heads of agencies and organisations at both central and local levels, who fail to exercise their power and meet their responsibility to the full in carrying out the tasks. At the same time, policies and mechanisms for personnel streamlining, recruitment, training and promotion do not match reality, thus failing to create needed breakthroughs towards the goal.

The resolution set out several tasks and solutions to intensify the streamlining and restructuring of personnel in Party, State and Government apparatus.

Education and public communication campaigns are one of the key tasks to raise the awareness of the public and civil officials and workers as well as the public, thus enhancing their support and sense of responsibility to the work and uniting their actions.

At the same time, efforts should be continued to review and refine the organization of the entire political system, including agencies and units of the Party, the State and political-social organisations, the resolution said, stressing that no new organisation should be formed except for extraordinary cases when there is a real pressing need.

Alongside with strengthening the organisation of each unit in the political system, the functions and tasks of each unit should be defined clearly, while the models of multi-sectoral management should be improved. The resolution also instructed research be conducted on the merger of general departments and departments.

Administrative agencies should be classified to serve the streamlining of organisation and personnel and improve the quality of their services, the resolution said, adding that certain services that do not need to be supplied by State agencies could be transferred to non-State organisations.

The system of departments and units of local administrations at provincial and district levels should also be reviewed and streamlined, with due attention paid to the different apparatus of rural and urban administrations.

The criteria and conditions for the establishment, dissolution and merger of administrative units should be strictly regulated in the direction of encouraging merger of commune-level units and restricting the increase in the number of local administrative units.

The resolution reiterated the policy of streamlining the contingent of public and civil officials and workers, stressing that the total number of staff of the political system should not increase further. The designation of necessary positions in administrative agencies, public non-productive organisations and political-social organisations should be accelerated to help in determining the amount of personnel for each unit.

The contingent of public and civil officials and workers must be restructured based on job title, ranks, real work and qualifications to ensure the workers suit the jobs’ requirements. The criteria and qualifications for positions from the rank of deputy minister and below should be promulgated with focus on moral quality and capability.

The resolution also required the review and improvement of laws and regulations on personnel management, and the reform of methods for recruiting personnel, promoting officials and assessing staff.