The Politburo has issued Directive No.45-CT/TW enhancing the implementation of its resolution on work related to overseas Vietnamese (OVs) dated March 26, 2004.

The directive noted achievements in realising the resolution which contributed to consolidating and promoting national unity, encouraging OVs to uphold national pride and patriotism, support each other and integrate into the host countries, as well as in maintaining their ties to the motherland.

The document also stated shortcomings in the implementation of policies facilitating OVs to preserve national identity and tradition as well as make contributions to national construction, which were not implemented effectively. A part of the OV community has maintained prejudice, stigma, thoughts and actions not in line with national interests while being unstable in their legal status in the host countries.

The shortcomings were resulted from the fact that several central and local agencies did not fully understand work related to OVs; entrusted agencies did not collaborate effectively with each other; and human resources and budget allocated for the work did not meet requirements.

To further promote achievements and recover shortcomings, the Politburo asked authorities, Party committees, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and organisations at all levels to focus on promoting national unity, national pride and patriotism to gather all Vietnamese for a nation of peace, independence, territorial integrity, prosperity, democracy, equality and civilisation.

The directive reaffirmed that OVs were an inseparable part and a resource of the Vietnamese community and they were all encouraged and supported to return to the motherland and make contributions to national construction and defence. The Politburo asked for measures to consolidate OVs’ ties to the country and address the remaining issues in an open and faithful spirit in order to close the past and look to the future.

OVs were affirmed to be an important factor in fostering relations and friendship between Vietnam and the host countries. They were supported and encouraged to comply with the host countries’ laws and integrate positively into the society through enhanced citizen protection work as well as management over Vietnamese workers, students and individuals getting married with foreigners in the host countries.

The directive asked for enhanced administrative reforms to help OVs return to Vietnam to live and work, reissue their Vietnamese citizenship, facilitate their home ownership in the country and simplify procedures related to immigration, investment and remittance transfer and use.

It was also said that OVs would be regularly encouraged to give ideas and join key socio-political events of the country.

Policies and laws encouraging OVs’ investment, business, production and technological transfer would be reviewed and improved while those on attracting Vietnamese experts and intellectuals to serve for crucial fields in national construction and defence would be developed.

In addition, activities encouraging the preservation of cultural and traditional identities and improving communication of the country’s situation and policies to the OV community will be promoted.

Meanwhile, activities to gather OVs and improve entrusted agencies’ performance in work related to OVs would be diversified and improved.

Party committees of relevant agencies and ministries were asked to study and realise the directive effectively.

Nhan Dan