New ambassadors present credentials


The newly-accredited ambassadors from the UK, the Netherlands and Norway presented their credentials to President Truong Tan Sang on September 10 in Hanoi.

At the reception for these diplomats, Sang pledged his utmost efforts to help them fulfill their tasks and boost closer ties between Vietnam and their respective countries.

Meeting with Ambassador from the UK and Northern Ireland, Giles Lever, President Sang said Vietnam treasures its relations with the UK and asked the UK to push ahead the negotiations on a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the EU.

He expressed his hope that the diplomat, with his experience and goodwill towards Vietnam, will generate new momentum for the Vietnam-UK relations.

For his part, Lever said that with his diplomatic experience he will contribute to forging the two countries’ successful strategic partnership.

Receiving Dutch Ambassador to Vietnam, Catharina Trooster, the State leader reiterated Vietnam’s readiness to facilitate Dutch investments in the country while expecting that the Netherlands will become a big investor in Vietnam.

He voiced his desire that the both nations will expand cultural cooperation and people-to-people exchange to deepen mutual understanding.

Trooster stated that Vietnam and the Netherlands recently signed a strategic partnership in the fields of agriculture, food security and maritime trade, which will serve as a foundation for expanding stronger bilateral cooperation in the future.

Talking with Norwegian Ambassador Siren Gjerme Eriksen, Sang thanked Norway for providing ODA to Vietnam and hoped that Norway will soon finalize free trade agreement negotiations between Vietnam and north European countries, providing a firm foundation for boosting stronger economic and trade relations between the two countries.

For her part, the Norwegian suggested the two countries beef up collaboration on trade, agriculture, the environment and the economy.

With its expertise in renewable energy and climate change adaptation, Norway was willing to support Vietnam in these areas, she added.

Madagascar eager to step up cooperation with Vietnam

Madagascar wants to learn poverty reduction experience from Vietnam and cooperate with the country on rice farming, Madagascan President Hery Rajaonarimampianina told Vietnam Ambassador to Madagascar and Mozambique, Nguyen Van Trung.

Ambassador Trung presented his credentials to the Madagascan President on September 10 in Antananarivo. This was the first time in five years a Vietnamese diplomat presented credentials in Madagascar.

The Madagascan President expressed his admiration for Vietnam’s renewal achievements, describing the country as a successful model for socio-economic development and international integration.

He said he hopes that the two countries will boost cooperation and support each other at multilateral forums, especially in the Francophonie Organisation.

For his part, Ambassador Trung congratulated the Madagascan people on overcoming the difficulties in reintegrating themselves into the international community and reconstructing the country.

With their similar history in wet rice cultivation, Vietnam and Madagascar boast huge potential for cooperation in agriculture, aquaculture, education and healthcare.

The Vietnamese diplomat also informed his host of the Vietnamese Government’s decision to set up an honorary consulate in Madagascar with a view to promoting Vietnam’s image and collaboration between the two nations.

The ambassador paid courtesy visits to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister, and met with a number of Madagascan ministers.

He also paid tribute to the late President Ho Chi Minh at his Square in Antananarivo.

Vietnam and Madagascar established diplomatic ties in 1972. In the 1980s, Vietnam dispatched 45 educational experts to work in Madagascar.

In the 1990s, more than 80 Vietnamese agricultural experts and technicians helped Madagascar develop rice cultivation based on a FAO-sponsored tripartite cooperation model.

Thai Ambassador welcomed in HCM City

Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan received Thai Ambassador to Vietnam Panyarak Poolhup on September 10, on the occasion of his working visit to the city.

Quan expressed his pleasure with the fine development of the bilateral ties, especially after Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to Thailand last year during which a strategic partnership between the two nations was set up.

Ho Chi Minh City is now home to 127 Thai-invested projects worth nearly US$200 million in total and two-way trade between the two sides reached US$2 billion, he said, pledging all possible conditions for businesses from Thailand to operate in the city.

For his part, the Thai ambassador thanked the local authorities for their support for Thai enterprises over the past time.

Vietnam highlights role of history education

Vietnam participated in a special discussion on history education and commemoration during the 27 th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

All states should uphold the principle of granting their citizens total access to history education, providing a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced throughout history, Ambassador Nguyen Trung Thanh, Vietnam ’s permanent representative to the United Nations, said.

Throughout their struggle for independence and the process of nation-building, the people of Vietnam continuously valued human rights, especially those related to national self-determination and living in peace and prosperity with friendly relations amongst nations, he said.

The diplomat emphasised that Vietnam believes human rights must be closely connected to the history, culture, traditions and socio-economic conditions of each country.

In an increasingly diverse world, common standards and principles of international law needed to be aligned harmoniously with the history, politics, economies, societies, religions, faiths and traditional practices of each country and region, he stated.

Participants in the discussion, including 36 ambassadors, the heads of diplomatic missions of UNHCR member states, and representatives of international organisations and non-governmental organisations, agreed that historical heritage, history and commemoration played a significant role in the formation of identity.

They said that since a broader view of history contributed to sustainable conciliation, it is necessary to ensure comprehensive access to history education and teaching methods in the first place, along with conducting field research.

One of the key roles of history education and commemoration is to encourage conciliation, which in turn promotes and protects human rights, they added.

In her summary of the discussion, UN Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights Farida Shaheed stressed the importance of multi-dimensional access to commemoration processes and the development of teaching materials for history education.

All countries should broaden the multi-dimensional space for history education, which is a prerequisite for a civil and democratic society, she said.

A report on the outcomes of the discussion will be submitted to the 28th UNHRC session in March next year.

Australian lower house speaker to visit Vietnam

Speaker of the House of Representatives of Australia Bronwyn Bishop will pay an official visit to Vietnam from September 12-14.

The visit aims to implement a high-level agreement between the Vietnam National Assembly and the Parliament of Australia.

General Department of Techniques celebrates Traditional Day

The Defence Ministry’s General Department of Techniques on September 10 hosted a solemn ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of its Traditional Day (1974- 2014) and receiving the Order of Military first class.

State President Truong Tan Sang, General and Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh, representatives from the Defence Ministry and central ministries and localities along with a large number of soldiers and officers from the General Department attended the event.

In his speech, Lieutenant General and General Department of Techniques Director Nguyen Chau Thanh highlighted the construction and growth process of the department, adding inheriting the national tradition of self-reliance in the struggle for national construction and defense, the Party has outlined guidelines and solutions for ensuring weapons and technical equipment for armed forces.

State President Truong Tan Sang asked the department to thoroughly grasp the Party’s military and defense guidelines in particular national defense strategy in the new situation.

“It is imperative to enhance the role as a leading agency that acts as an advisor for the Central Military Commission and the Defence Ministry on military and technical work aiming to successfully fulfil management tasks to assure technical conditions for long-term use of weapons and equipment and intensify research on how to master new weapons and equipment.” Sang said.

President Sang also requested the Department to enhance the training of technical staff with political firmness, ethics, creative thinking and highly qualified scientific and technical standards, especially in high-tech fields. He underlined the need to strengthen relations with local administrations to develop comprehensively military technical work thus meeting requirements and tasks in all situations.

On behalf of the Party and State, Sang presented the Order of Military first class to the Department in recognition of its positive contributions to national construction and defence.

Longstanding Vietnam-India relations bear fruit

Vietnam-India long-standing relations have experienced fine development, continually nurtured by generations of leaders and citizens, including late Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh and Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Indian President Pranab Mukherjee will pay an official visit to Vietnam from September 14-19 during  which he is expected to further enhance the Vietnam-India strategic partnership.

Since the establishment of their diplomatic ties in 1972 and a strategic partnership in 2007, Vietnam and India have treasured long-standing relationship through regular visit exchange by senior leaders from both countries.

After taking office in May 2014 Prime Minister Narendra Modi has boosted the 1991 “Look East” policy, considering Vietnam a key pillar in this policy.

The coming visit to Vietnam by President Pranab Mukherjee is to affirm the Indian government’s consistent policy towards the Southeast Asian  nation.

Over the past years, bilateral ties have focused on such fields as politics, economic, national defence and security, science-technology, education, and culture. In particular, their economic relations have become a spotlight in the two countries’ comprehensive cooperation.

Vietnamese Ambassador to India Nguyen Thanh Tan forecast that the two-way trade turnover is likely to hit US$8 billion by the end of 2014, much higher than the figure recorded in 2010 (around US$3.4 billion). The two countries are predicted to achieve a trade value of US$10 billion next year and US$15 billion in 2020.

Vietnam has attracted a large number of Indian investors who are pouring nearly US$1 billion in 68 projects, mostly in oil and gas, mining, sugar production, agricultural chemicals, information technology IT), and agricultural processing industries.

Tan said many Vietnamese companies are keeping a close watch on the Indian market, with investment in three large projects of US$23.6 million running well.

In recent years, IT has emerged as an important area of bilateral intellectual-based partnership, in which India has played a key role in helping Vietnam develop capacity building agencies and IT training centres, English language training centres, and business development institutes.

Thanks to India’s assistance, Vietnam has set up an institute for rice research, with a view to securing top place on the global list of biggest rice exporters.

India has granted hundreds of annual scholarships to Vietnamese students under  the Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme.

The two countries have already established mechanisms for strategic dialogues at the deputy defence minister level. They have concentrated on fostering national defence ties through naval joint naval exercises to expand cooperation on maritime security.

Vietnam and India have also closely coordinated in ensuring peace and stability in the region, and provided support for each other at regional and international forums, including those in the framework of ASEAN, East Asia Summit (EAS), Mekong- Ganga Cooperation (MGC), and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).

The Vietnam visit by Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj last month also provided strong impetus for strengthening India’s all-around cooperation with the Southeast Asian nation.

Minister Swaraj emphasised India always gives priority to speeding up relations with Vietnam, especially in economic and trade areas. She proposed the two countries open direct air routes and cooperate in infrastructure construction. The government of India wants to promote its Look East policy and Vietnam plays a great role in this policy, she stated.

As planned, India’s Jet Airways is launching direct flights between New Delhi and Ho Chi Minh City on November 5 to boost bilateral trade and tourism cooperation and realise the set target of raising a two-way trade turnover to US$10 billion in 2015.

Leaders express sadness at India floods

President Truong Tan Sang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday sent messages of concern to their Indian counterparts regarding devastating floods in the city of Srinagar.

The messages were addressed to Indian President Pranab Mukherjee and Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi.

Heavy rains and flash floods from early this month have killed hundreds of people and destroyed homes in the city.

Also yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh likewise sent a message of concern to Indian Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj on the same matter.

PM urges more efforts to push admin reforms

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has ordered the reform of administrative procedures for individuals and business operations to be sped up.

Dung was speaking at a working session on administrative procedure reform with officials from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Ha Noi yesterday.

The focus was on processes relating to the establishment and dissolution of businesses, and the implementation of investments.

The PM said it was the Government's key task to improve the institutional framework and push administrative reform, adding that ministries and localities needed to continue to review the measures they used to attract investments.

He said improvements to the business environment and an increase in national competitiveness contributed substantially to Viet Nam's rapid and sustainable development, as well as industrialisation and modernisation.

He said a one-stop-shop approach to administrative procedures had shortened processing time significantly, but said an acceleration of reforms was essential.

Dung proposed that ministries and sectors provide specific measures to perfect the legal framework for investments and businesses.

He said there should be a particular focus on reforming administrative procedures, removing barriers to investment, reforming market access procedures, implementing investment projects, and encouraging business operations in all areas of the economy.

The ministry said it had been working with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Security since 2007 to implement the one-stop-shop approach to business and tax registrations, and other procedures relating to the establishment of new businesses.

In 2010, the national business registration system was set up to fundamentally reform the business landscape in Viet Nam.

More National Day congratulations extended to Vietnam

 On the occasion of the 69 th National Day (2/9/1945- 2/9/2014), the Party, Government and National Assembly of Vietnam has continued to receive messages of congratulations from leaders of countries:

King of Cambodia, Norodom Sihamoni; President of the Republic of Ireland Micheal Daniel Higgins; President of the Federal Republic of Austria Heiz Fischer; President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko; Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich; Chairman of the Council of the Republic of Belarus Anatoly Rubinov and Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko; President of the Republic of Cameroon Paul Biya; Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah; President of the Federal Republic of Germany Heinz Gauck; King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein; President of the Greek Republic Karolos Papoulias; President of the Republic of Gabon Ali Bongo Ondimba; President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano; Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Lebanon, Head of the Movement of the Future and March 14 Movement Saad R. Hariti; Grand Duke of Luxembourg Henri; President of the Federated States of Micronesia Enmanuel Mori; President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz; Chairperson of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Matvienko; President of the Republic of South Africa Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma; President of the Slovak Republic Andrej Kiska; President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman.

Also on this occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh receive messages of congratulations from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Edward Nalbandian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Mackei, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia Marty M. Natalegawa, and the Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado.

Vietnamese and Cambodian commandos boost cooperation

Lieutenant General Be Xuan Truong, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, received General Chap Pheakdei of the Royal Cambodia Force, and Commander of Special Parachute Battalion No 911, on September 10.

Lt.Gen. Truong highly valued the traditional relationship between the two countries, saying the two nations cooperated in various fields, including national defence. He acknowledged that the long-standing cooperation between Vietnamese and Cambodian commandos had achieved good results in military training.

Truong also suggested the two sides focus on sharing training expertise to build experienced joint commandos, together with other forces, to protect the countries from hostilities and disturbances to the special relationships between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

General Chap Pheakdei expressed his gratitude for the Vietnamese people’s support in helping Cambodia end the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime and rebuild the nation.

He said Cambodia undertook maximum efforts to consolidate and promote the traditional relationship between the two countries, expressing his hope that Vietnam would continue to support Cambodia in building the Royal Cambodia Force in general and the Commandos force in particular.