Party review to assess socialist orientation of market economy

A review undertaken by the Party Central Committee's Economic Commission will show how well the nation's market economy has maintained the country's socialist principles, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said yesterday, March 19.

During a working session with the commission in the capital city, he said that compiling information for the review, which will study institutional tools used to develop Viet Nam's market economy, was a very complex and time consuming task.

Dung, who is also a Politburo member, expressed the Government's wholehearted support for the commission, which he said aimed at the common goal of socio-economic prosperity.

The Economic Commission is headed by Party Central Committee member Vuong Dinh Hue, a consultative body for the Party Central Committee, in particular the Politburo and Secretariat, on socio-economic policies and strategies.

To discharge its advisory function, the commission gathers insights, ideas and solutions from experts and agencies across the country to serve the cause of national socio-economic development. In 2013, the commission conducted an appraisal of political and social aspects of the economy.

It dispatched teams to examine implementation of Party resolutions relating to socio-economic development in localities and regions across the country.

The Economic Commission was set up by the Politburo in December 2012.

VN-Swiss legislative relations strengthened

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung met President of the Swiss State Council (Upper House) Hannes Germann and attended a parliamentary plenary session yesterday (March 19) before concluding his official visit to Switzerland.



National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung (right) meets President of the Swiss State Council (Upper House) Hannes Germann as part of his visit to Switzerland. 



Elucidating the finer details of his visit to the host, Hung said his current visit aims to deepen friendship and all-round cooperation between the two countries, and their legislative bodies in particular, in order to forge stronger inter-regional and international ties.

Hung was optimistic that there will be further progress in negotiations on a free trade agreement between Viet Nam and the European Free Trade Association, including Switzerland, thus helping to boost trade between the two countries and pave the way for ambitious businesses.

He hailed the coordination and mutual support between Viet Nam and Switzerland in international organisations and multilateral forums, particularly the United Nations and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), while assuring that Viet Nam will continue to support Switzerland in increasing its ties with ASEAN and other Southeast Asian nations.

Hung suggested that both the legislative bodies should coordinate more closely at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Francophone Parliamentary Alliance.

On the occasion, Hung invited Germann to attend the IPU-132, which will be held in Viet Nam next year.

On his part, German agreed that parliamentary cooperation is one of the most effective channels for improving relations between the two countries.

He proposed that both sides should increase their ties, including the exchange of experience in law-making and supervision, while accelerating the implementation of outstanding agreements.

Later during the day, Hung left Bern for Roma, starting his official visit to Italy at the invitation of President of the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House) Laura Boldrini.

National Assembly Chairman begins Italy visit

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung arrived at Ciampino Airport in Rome on early March 20 (Vietnam time), beginning his official visit to Italy at the invitation of President of the Chamber of Deputies Laura Boldrini.

His visit aims to consolidate the Vietnam-Italy strategic partnership established in 2013, and tighten parliamentary ties between the two countries.

It also affirms the wish of the Vietnamese National Assembly to constantly intensify bilateral relationship and continue coordinating closely with the Italian side at international forums, contributing to deepening the two countries’ strategic partnership.

The NA Chairman is scheduled to meet with President of the Italian Senate Pietro Grasso, visit the Vietnamese Embassy and meet the Vietnamese community in the country later in the day.

Vietnam attaches importance to cooperation with Japanese localities

Vietnam always places high importance on expanding cooperation between the two countries’ localities, considering it a crucial part of Vietnam-Japan relations.


The Japanese Emperor and Empress greet President Truong Tan Sang and his wife  before they leave Tokyo for Osaka. (Photo: VNA)



State President Truong Tan Sang made the statement at meetings with leaders from Japan’s Kansai region and the Vietnam-Japan friendship organizations in the framework of his trip to Osaka on March 19.

Meeting with representatives from seven Vietnam-Japan friendships organizations in Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Sakai and Hiroshima, the Vietnamese State leader highlighted a number of activities marking the 40th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties in 2013.

He affirmed the positive contribution they made to consolidating political trust, friendship and mutual understanding between the two nations.

Sang expressed his satisfaction with the all-round cooperation between the Kansai region and Vietnamese localities which, he said, will provide a firm foundation for Vietnam-Japan relations to develop and flourish in the future.

The close-knit relationship and mutual cooperation between Vietnam and Japan are the results of tireless efforts by the two countries’ government and people, he added.

The Vietnamese State acknowledged and commended the enormous contributions made by Japanese individuals and organisations, in particular those from the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Organisation in the Kansai region and other Japanese cities to fostering friendship.

President Sang presented the Friendship Order- Vietnam’s notable award to five Japanese individuals and the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Organisation of Kansai.

He expressed his hope that Vietnam-Japan friendship organisations will continue to serve as a bridge for the promotion of cooperative friendship between the Kansai region and Vietnam, helping to strengthen the Vietnam-Japan strategic partnership.

The same day, President Sang also talked with Kansai economic leaders and Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren) Chairman Shosuke Mori.

Shosuke Mori stressed that the fruitful cooperation over the past years and the Vietnamese President’s visit this time will raise the two countries’ strategic partnership to new heights.

Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren) is an association of businesses operating in nine Japanese prefectures including Tykyo, Hyogo, Osaka and Nara.

The non-profit organisation includes 780 members, primarily major groups and enterprises involved in finance-banking, electronics, engineering and science-technology.

Many Kankeiren businesses have operated effectively in Vietnam and desire stronger links with Vietnamese partners in the future, Shosuke Mori said.

Speaking before the two nations’ business representatives, President Sang said Japan is Vietnam’s No 1 investor, biggest ODA provider and a lucrative market for export-import, tourism and science-technology.

Vietnam is becoming actively involved in ASEAN-Japan economic cooperation, ASEAN+3, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations with the EU and the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.

In particular, the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations are opening favourable opportunities for further enhancing Vietnam-Japan partnership, Sang noted.

He suggested Japanese businesses bolster cooperation in key areas of Vietnam’s industrialization strategy-  electronics, agricultural machinery, agro-fishery product processing, shipbuilding, the environment, energy saving, production of automobile and auto spare parts in which developing support industries is an important factor.

Sang thanked Japan for its support for Vietnam in developing support industries, attracting foreign investment projects and transferring technologies and management experience to Vietnamese businesses which will greatly benefit the two nations’ industrial sector.

He reiterated Vietnam’s willingness to offer the best possible conditions for Japanese investment in the country for mutual benefit, a stronger strategic partnership and a prosperous and united Asia.

The State leader witnessed the signing of a cooperation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Hanoi Support Industry Association and Japan’s Genepro group.

Sang then met with a number of governors from Osaka, Hyogo, Kobe, Kyoto and Osaka during which he thanked their administrations for deepening the friendship and mutual understanding between Vietnam and Japanese localities.

He also praised Kyoto and Thua Thien Hue central province for signing a cooperation MoU in the time to come.

That evening President Sang and his delegation are due to leave Osaka for Hanoi, concluding their four-day visit to Japan.

The visit has opened up a new chapter in Vietnam-Japan relations for peace and prosperity in Asia.

VN, Lao, Cambodian parliaments enhance budget supervision

Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia jointly held a seminar in Vientiane on March 19 seeking ways to strengthen parliamentary supervision of State budget implementation and auditing procedures.

The Vietnamese delegation to the event was led by Phung Quoc Hien, chairman of the National Assembly’s Finance-Budget Committee.

Participants said that the trio’s cooperation in law making and supervision has greatly contributed to the socio-economic stability in each country, as well as strengthening collaboration among their legislative bodies.

They also shared experience on managing the State budget and directing finance-budget policies in the future in order to ensure budget balance, reduce public debt and improve competitiveness. These steps have been acknowledge as essential if each nation is to achieve socio-economic development and poverty reduction before the formation of an ASEAN Community in 2015.

In the time to come, the three sides will continue organising rotary annual joint conferences on budgeting, strengthening external relations and international cooperation.

They will also boost the sharing of experience with prestigious international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB).

Deputy PM urges secure Vesak day

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc yesterday (March 19) requested relevant authorities and localities to work in close co-ordination to ensure security and safety during the United Nations Day of Vesak (UNDV).

UNDV is annually observed to commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Gautama Buddha. The celebrations will be held in the northern Ninh Binh Province during May 7-12.

The deputy prime minister made the request at a meeting with the leaders of several ministries, branches, and localities, and representatives of the Viet Nam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) to oversee the preparations for the event.

At the meeting, Phuc was informed that the plans for security, traffic safety, and fire prevention have been devised.

The government's Committee for Religious Affairs has partnered with the related agencies to guide the VBS in carrying out essential tasks.

In accordance with the theme "Buddhist Perspective towards Achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals," the event, which is scheduled to take place in the Bai Dinh Pagoda, is being organised by the VBS in collaboration with the International Council for the Day of Vesak.

Around 5,000 guests, including 1,500 from 95 countries and territories worldwide, are expected to attend the event.

This will be the second time that Viet Nam will be hosting the prestigious event. In 2008, the Vesak celebrations in Ha Noi were attended by over 600 Buddhist delegations from around the world.

Sweden urged to continue support

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh has called upon Sweden to continue supporting Viet Nam in expanding cooperation with the European Union (EU), and in negotiating the Viet Nam-EU free trade agreement.

At a meeting yesterday with Swedish Secretary of Foreign Affairs Frank Belfrage in Ha Noi, Ninh expressed his gratitude to the Swedish Parliament for its approval of the Viet Nam-EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.

Welcoming Belfrage as the chair of the Ha Noi conference of Swedish ambassadors in Asia, he described the meeting as a meaningful activity to mark the 45th anniversary of Viet Nam-Sweden diplomatic ties.

He noted the meaningful development in the two countries' cooperation in recent years, citing two-way trade in 2013 that exceeded US$1 billion, up 24 per cent from 2012.

For his part, Belfrage thanked the Vietnamese government for helping Sweden organise the conference of Swedish ambassadors in Asia.

Viet Nam, Turkey to boost ties

Viet Nam and Turkey yesterday (March 19) agreed to increase the exchange of high ranking delegations and improve bilateral co-operation in several areas including trade, investment, labour, agriculture, education and training.

The agreement was reached during the periodical political consultation between Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Phuong Nga and his Turkish counterpart Ome Onhon, who is on a three-day (March 18-20) working visit to Viet Nam.

The senior officials concurred on the need to accelerate negotiations for the signing of agreements on double taxation avoidance, aviation services and maritime transportation. They also agreed to continue consulting and supporting each other at international forums.

Vietnamese Party delegation visits Malaysia

A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) paid a working visit to Malaysia from March 16-19 at the invitation of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the country’s ruling political party.

During its stay, the delegation, led by head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Hoang Binh Quan, paid a courtesy visit to UMNO Chairman and Prime Minister Najib Razak, held talks with UMNO Secretary General and Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and also met other Malaysian officials.

During the meetings, Quan briefed the hosts on the situation of the CPV and the country as a whole in recent times, affirming that the Vietnamese Party and State always want to intensify the partnership with Malaysia and the UMNO.

He proposed measures to boost bilateral ties and suggested the two sides continue effectively implementing existing cooperative mechanisms as well as expanding collaboration in the fields with great potential such as trade, investment and rice export.

The Vietnamese official also offered sympathy over the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, confirming that Vietnam will continue working with the Malaysian side in search and rescue activities.

Malaysian leaders thanked Vietnam for being the first ASEAN country to join the search for the lost jet.

UMNO Secretary General Mansor expressed his hope to further strengthen connections with Vietnam, especially in delegation exchange and the sharing of experience in party building and state management.

He invited the Vietnamese party to attend his organisation’s 2014 congress and said that the UMNO will soon appoint officials to visit Vietnam.