Vietnam backs efforts to stabilize East Ukraine situation

Vietnam supports the realization of a peace plan proposed by President P. Poroshenko for the benefit of the Ukrainian people and for the sake of peace and development of Ukraine and the region.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Hai Binh told a regular press briefing in Hanoi on June 26 in reply to reporters' question about Vietnam’s reaction to President P. Poroshenko’s peace plan.

“Vietnam supports every effort to stabilize the situation in East Ukraine and asks concerned parties to ensure security and safety for the Vietnamese community living in this region.” the official added.

Vietnam, the Netherlands ratchet up defence connection

Deputy Defence Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh and new Dutch Defence Attache Adrianus Maria Pals have agreed on the need to increase naval exchanges and affiliation between the two countries in the coming time.

During their meeting in Hanoi on June 26, Vinh said he highly values the outcomes of defence cooperation between the two countries over the past time.

Vietnam and the Netherlands signed Memoranda of Understanding on defence cooperation during the Vietnam visit by the Dutch Defence Minister in September 2011 and the Netherlands visit by the Vietnamese Defence Minister in August 2013.

Bilateral partnership in the defence industry, personnel training and visit exchanges have been positive, they agreed.

Both sides will work to further improve personnel training and share experience in search and rescue and activities to surmount consequences of natural disasters and war-era bombs and mines as well as peace-keeping operations run by the United Nations, they said.

NA Vice Chairwoman to visit Argentina, Chile

National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan will pay working visits to Argentina from June 30-July 2 and to Chile from July 3-5, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Hai Binh announced at a regular press conference on June 26.

The visits will aim to strengthen and consolidate the multi-faceted cooperation between Vietnam and the two countries, especially in economics and trade, and at the same time exchange experience in implementing gender equality policies and increasing women’s leadership and their contributions to the country’s socio-economic development, stated Binh.

During her visits, Ngan and the Argentinean and Chilean sides will discuss ways to boost inter-regional cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and South America as well as exchange opinions on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

Binh informed that the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting will be held in Hanoi on June 27-28.

The meeting will assess current developments which have caused deep changes to the region’s geo-strategic context and challenges to ASEAN’s central role.

It will deliberate a future regional architecture as well as how to intensify solidarity, voice and common responsibility of the bloc when it comes to regional strategic interests.

Vietnam, Philippines enter into cruise partnership

Vietnam and the Philippines on June 26 signed a cooperation plan on cruise tourism in the 2014-16 period, aiming at making the best use of sea potentials for their sustainable development.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ho Anh Tuan, who inked the document with Philippine Deputy Tourism Minister Daniel G. Corpuz, stated that the cooperation will be carried out soon.

Under the deal, the two sides will work closely to develop promotion and marketing programme for this tourism product.

They will provide all possible conditions for their travel firms to set up projects in the field.

The two countries also agreed to foster links with international tourism organisations in the region and the world to introduce their products.

Vietnam and the Philippines signed an agreement on tourism cooperation in 1994.

Party, State leaders meet with voters

President Truong Tan Sang on June 26 met with voters in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, to inform them of the outcomes of the freshly-ended 7th session of the 13th National Assembly.

The voters in general and representatives of the intellectual circle and religious dignitaries in particular expressed their deep concern about the recent developments in the East Sea after China illegally placed its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou-981 in Vietnam’s waters in early May.

They strongly condemned China’s wrongful actions, suggesting the Party and State leaders resolutely implement measures to safeguard the national sovereignty while boosting economic development and reinforcing defence strength.

Regarding recent disturbances in Binh Duong and Ha Tinh provinces, the voters asked for strict punishment on instigators and their accompanies as well as considering responsibilities of individuals and agencies that failed to apply timely prevention measures.

Acknowledging NA deputies’ efforts during the session, religious representatives said they agreed with the Party and State’s policies on freedom of belief and proposed the competent agencies to strictly punish any action that take advantage of faith to undermine the unity among religions.

The voters also suggested the Party and State take more care of the lives of fishermen and islanders. Applauding a 16 trillion VND (761 million USD) support package for coast guard and fisheries surveillance forces and fishermen, they also urged NA deputies to closely supervise the use of the sum.

Sharing the voters’ concerns, President Sang reiterated that Vietnam’s stance is to be a friend and reliable partner of the international community for peace and development, confirming that “Vietnam does not depend on any country.”

For China, Vietnam always wishes to strengthen the friendship and equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with the neighbour, he said, adding that after China illegally stationed its oil rig in Vietnam’s waters, Vietnam has sought every measure to solve the dispute peacefully in line with international law.

The truth of Vietnam’s national sovereignty and justice in the East Sea is clearly understood and supported by countries around the world, he affirmed.

The State leader took the occasion to call on people at home and abroad to raise their sense of patriotism, saying that great unity is a decisive factor in safeguarding the national sovereignty.

The same day, many Party and State leaders including standing member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Le Hong Anh, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, and Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan had meetings with voters nationwide.

Party chief hails theory council’s increasing role

The role of the Party Central Committee’s Theory Council is increasingly growing through its active participation in scientific researches on political theories and in protecting the Party’s viewpoints and policies.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong made the remarks at a June 26 working session with the council on its six-month performance and tasks for the rest of the year.

The council has fulfilled its role as a standing body of the Steering Committee on reviewing the 30-year renewal process as well as actively engaged in drafting documents to be submitted to the 12 th National Party Congress, he said.

However, he pointed out the council’s weaknesses such as low working quality and weak full-time staff.

In the remaining months, the council should focus on crafting reports on the 30-year renewal and documents to be submitted to the 12th National Party Congress as well as completing 31 projects on political theories, the Party leader stressed.

It also needs to continue improving its working method in the direction of keeping abreast of the Party Central Committee’s programmes and plans while resolutely protecting the right viewpoints and rejecting the wrongful ones, he added.

General Secretary Trong praised the council’s plan to increase theoretical exchanges and expanding international cooperation in the field.

Voters affirm trust in Party, State leadership

Voters nationwide have expressed their confidence and support of the Party and State’s stance on safeguarding territorial sovereignty by peaceful and flexible means in line with international law during their meetings with National Assembly deputies.

NA deputies have been holding meetings with voters across the country to report to them the outcomes of the just concluded seventh NA session.

In the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, voters told NA Deputy Le Hong Anh, Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, that they have a high opinion of the State’s response to the issue, making the world aware of Vietnam’s fight for justice and China’s hegemony scheme in the contested sea.

In Ho Chi Minh City, many voters expressed their concern about the East Sea situation. At a meeting with NA Deputy Le Thanh Hai, Politburo member and Secretary of the city’s Party Committee, Vu Tien Kham, a voter in District 10 said he supports taking legal action to deal with the issue, like what other countries suggested.

Voters in the island district of Ly Son in the central province of Quang Ngai also expressed their approval of the outcomes of the recently-concluded NA seventh session.

They affirmed that the traditional fishing grounds on Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago have belonged to Vietnam for hundreds of years. Ly Son fishermen are determined to sail there to earn a living and safeguard national sovereignty, they said.

PM urges IT haste in State management

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has asked ministries, agencies and localities to accelerate the application of information technology in State management, especially in the fields of health, education, tax and customs.

Presiding over the first plenary meeting of the National Committee on IT yesterday, Dung, who is Chairman of the committee, highlighted the importance of IT application to the country's socio-economic development.

He directed ministries and agencies to further develop the IT sector with a focus on human resources, infrastructure and application, creating a momentum for national socio-economic growth and improving the economy's competitive edge.

Priority will be given to building an e-Government system, setting up a national database dedicated to State management, and providing online public services.

Participants recommended some measures to boost the application of IT in the operation of State-run agencies and ease difficulties in establishing and managing the data system,besides solutions for data and internet security.

They suggested that State agencies outsource IT application services so that they do not have to develop all kinds of database on their own.

Dung agreed with the suggestion, saying that it would help reduce budgetary expenses, create a market and encourage further development of the IT sector. He noted, however, that this should be done in accordance with State procedures without affecting information security.