Vietnam, UK organisations work to boost bilateral ties

The Vietnam-UK Friendship Association (VUKFA) and the Vietnam-UK Network inked a cooperation agreement for 2016-2019 in Hanoi on October 6. 

Accordingly, the two sides will support Vietnam – UK ties and cooperation in fields of mutual interest, such as economics, science and technology, education-training, culture, and tourism as well as foster the relations of social organisations, unions, businesses and functional agencies. 

At the signing ceremony, President of VUKFA Hoang Van Dung said the new agreement will open a new chapter for bilateral cooperation, and promote the friendship and mutual understanding of the two countries’ people. 

He highlighted the development of Vietnam – UK relations, especially after the signing of the Joint Statement in 2010 to declare the strategic partnership of two countries. 

Meanwhile, President of the Vietnam-UK Network Ben Chapman noted that the agreement will allow coordination to bring the two countries’ people closer.

The Vietnam-UK Network is a non-governmental organisation established in 2013. The organisation aims to connect British individuals, organisations and associations that are interested in Vietnam, to enhance Vietnam – UK cooperation and friendship.

Big Swedish trade mission on Vietnam visit

Vietnam attaches great importance to developing broad relations with Sweden, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc told Swedish Trade Minister Ann Linde and a delegation of Swedish businesses in Hanoi on October 6. 

The PM said the Vietnamese Government has sped up the improvement of the business and investment environment to attract investors, including those from Sweden . 

He said the upcoming signing of the Vietnam – EU free trade agreement would open up more cooperation opportunities for business communities of the two countries. 

The Government leader noted that relations between Vietnam and Sweden are developed in all fields, but the economic cooperation remains modest. 

Two-way trade is still failing to meet its potential, reading just 1.2 billion USD, he said, urging the two sides to continue speeding up cooperation in order to significantly boost that figure. 

Swedish Minister Linde affirmed that Sweden would further strengthen cooperation with Vietnam , particularly in the fields of health, education, science and technology, economy, trade and investment. 

She said she was accompanied by the delegation with the biggest ever number of businesses seeking investment and cooperation opportunities in Vietnam.

NA Chairwoman bids farewell to Japanese Ambassador

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said her farewell and gave praise to outgoing Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Hiroshi Fukada in Hanoi on October 6. 

She said the ambassador has worked tirelessly over the past three years to step up the bilateral comprehensive ties efficiently. 

She thanked him for urging the Japanese Government to pledge a record ODA sum of 2.5 billion USD in 2015, noting that Japan’s assistance was significant, helping Vietnam spur economic development and improve people’s living conditions.

She was pleased that Japan continues the leading economic partner of Vietnam and hectic cultural and locality-to-locality exchanges contributed to promoting mutual understanding and trust between the two peoples during the ambassador’s working term. 

The leader hailed Ambassador Hiroshi Fukada’s role in promoting exchange and affiliations between the two law-making bodies as well. 

The diplomat said he was happy that the Vietnam-Japan Strategic Partnership was promoted to the Extensive Strategic Partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia in 2014 during his working term in Vietnam and the two countries’ cooperation across the board was strengthened efficiently.

He noted that besides the high political trust, the friendship and cooperation between Vietnamese and Japanese people provided the foundation for the bilateral ties to grow. 

He informed his host that Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko plan to visit Vietnam in 2017, and pledged that he will continue taking activities to promote the relations between the two countries.

Also on the day, the Ambassador said goodbye to Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

Standing Committee discusses preparation for NA second sitting

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee gave opinions on the preparations for the second session of the 14th legislature, which is expected to take place within 24 days with the last day on November 19.

NA Secretary General Nguyen Hanh Phuc proposed the committee allow the supplementation of contents relating to the economic restructuring plan in 2016-2020 and the withdrawal of the bill on commune policemen and the revised law on corruption prevention and combat for perfection.

Several contents pertaining to lessons and solutions to protect the environment in the report on works to fix consequences of the Formosa-caused environmental incident; solutions to ensure food hygiene and safety, and climate change-caused socio-economic damage and solutions in the report on socio-economic performance; and management and use of ODA in 2011-2015 in the report on goals and orientations to mobilise and use loans and public debts need to be clearer before submitting to the NA, he said.

Meanwhile, NA Vice Chairman Phung Quoc Hien said those bills, which do not fully follow legal regulations, will not be considered at the session.

NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan agreed that as the top legislative body, the NA must abide by regulations set under the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents on law-building procedures and duration.

Parliaments of Vietnam, Romania should increase exchanges: official

National Assembly Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu met with a delegation of the Committee for Legal Matters, Discipline and Immunities of Romania’s Chamber of Deputies on October 6, suggesting the two parliaments increase delegation exchanges to enhance ties. 

He said that Vietnam attaches importance to promoting cooperation and friendship with Romania and that it appreciates Romania’s assistance during the past struggle for national independence and the current national development. 

Vietnam is delighted at the European nation’s attainments in reforms and socio-economic development, he noted. 

He said the two parliaments should step up coordination and mutual support at multilateral parliamentary forums so as to help foster the countries’ amity and substantive cooperation. 

Luu also spoke highly of the outcomes of the visiting delegation’s talks and working sessions with the Vietnamese parliament’s committees for legal and judicial affairs and the board of deputy-related works. Those agencies should enhance collaboration and experience sharing in law making and enforcement. 

At the meeting, Daniel Barbulescu, a parliamentarian of the Social Democratic Party, valued Vietnam’s socio-economic achievements and informed his host about the outcomes of his delegation’s talks and working sessions with the Vietnamese side. 

He pledged that the agencies will have more practical activities to help strengthen bilateral relations in all domains, especially in law making and enforcement.

Quang Nam, Laos’ Sekong province work for closer connection

The Vietnam-Laos Friendship Organisation’s chapter in the central province of Quang Nam has set to foster the connectivity between Quang Nam and its neighbouring Lao province of Sekong province by encouraging exchanges and twin relations between their localities, especially border areas. 

During the chapter’s Congress for the 2016-2021 tenure on October 6, the two sides agreed to regularly popularise people-to-people diplomatic policies among officials and people.

Khamphiem Boualapha, Standing Vice Secretary of Sekong’s Party Committee and President of the Laos-Vietnam Friendship Organisation’s Sekong chapter, noted that Quang Nam and Sekong share similarities in culture and custom. 

Over the past years, Quang Nam has helped Sekong in reducing poverty and applying science and technology advances in socio-economic development, thus promoting the special friendship between people of both sides, he said. 

Meanwhile, Ta Minh Chau, Vice President of the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Organisation’s Central Committee, held that Quang Nam should continue assisting Laos and Sekong in particular in personnel training, while coordinating with Sekong in caring for Lao students in Quang Nam, especially in traditional festivals and special events. 

He also called on Quang Nam businesses to increase investment in Laos, contributing to the economic development of the country. 

Over the past years, Quang Nam has actively coordinated with Sekong in a number of activities, including the organisation of visits for Vietnam’s former volunteer soldiers to former battlefields, and the launching of contests on the Vietnam-Laos ties. 

Between 2012 and 2016, Quang Nam has organised a number of humanitarian activities in Sekong, including granting scholarships to Sekong students and offering gifts and free medical checks for locals.

Hanoi discusses potential cooperation with Swedish enterprises

Hanoi officials discussed cooperation possibilities in potential fields with a delegation of 18 leading Swedish enterprises headed by Minister for EU Affairs and Trade Ann Linne, on October 5. 

At the meeting, Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung said 

Hanoi is calling for investment in such fields as health care, education, smart urban transport infrastructure, waste and waste water treatment technology, particularly electricity generation from waste processing. 

He named 37 transport projects needing investment, including six metro routes, eight bridges over the Hong (Red) River, and the improvement of bus services in terms of staff, vehicles and technology. 

Chung also emphasised the city’s hope to find partners for the training of quality human resources such as managerial and administrative officials and skilled workers. 

On her part, Minister Ann Linne said areas in which Hanoi needs investment and partners are the strength of Swedish enterprises. She pledged to work to foster the comprehensive cooperation between Swedish enterprises with Hanoi in the future.

China values ties with Vietnam: ambassador

Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hong Xiaoyong has affirmed that the Chinese Party, State and people attach importance to ties with Vietnam during a meeting in Hanoi on October 5 with Politburo member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Dinh The Huynh. 

The ambassador expressed desire to maintain high-level exchanges and practical cooperation in all areas, for the healthy and stable development of the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. 

Dinh The Huynh, who is also permanent member of the Party Central Committee, made it clear that in line with the external policy of peace, independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralisation of ties, and active and proactive global integration, the Vietnamese Party, State and people always pay attention to strengthening the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership with China. 

He suggested increasing high-level visits, pushing for practical collaboration outcomes and promoting people-to-people exchanges, and wished that the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam will further uphold its role as a bridge of friendship to strengthen bilateral ties. 

Huynh underscored the need to maintain peace and stability in the East Sea; refrain from unilateral actions that can further complicate and expand disputes; seriously, fully and effectively carry out the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East (DOC) while striving to reach a Code of Conduct in the East Sea soon; and settle disputes by peaceful means in line with international law.

Vietnamese official on working visit to Bolivia

Deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Nguyen Tuan Phong paid a working visit to Bolivia from October 3-5 to strengthen friendship and cooperation with the country’s political parties. 

During talks with First Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia (PCB) Ignacio Mendoza, Phong informed the host about the outcomes of the 12 th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and pledged continuous efforts to strengthen friendship, solidarity and cooperation between the two Parties and peoples. 

He also held working sessions with President of the Senate Jose Alberto Gonzales, President of the Lower Chamber Gabriela Montano, and Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca, during which, they agreed to facilitate all-level visits and the signing of cooperation agreements in investment, energy, trade and agriculture. 

The hosts expressed their admiration for Vietnam’s national liberation in the past and achievements in the renewal process initiated and led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. 

Minister Choquehuanca informed Phong that he will visit Vietnam in the near future and wants to sign several bilateral cooperation agreements on the occasion. 

The Vietnamese Party official also attended a talk with the participation of leaders of the ruling Movement for Socialism Party, the PCB, left-wing and progressive parties and several media outlets, where he spoke on Vietnam’s socio-economic development, especially achievements in the renewal period.

HCM City facilitates Swedish firms’ operations: senior official

Ho Chi Minh City will create optimal conditions for Swedish businesses to seek opportunities for long-term investment and business, Chairman of the HCM City People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong said.

The municipal official made the statement during his meeting with Swedish Minister for European Affairs and Trade Ann Linde in the city on October 4.

Highlighting the sound relations between the two countries, Chairman Phong said he hopes the current visit to the city by Minister Linde will contribute to increasing the presence of Swedish investors in the city, especially in the fields of Sweden’s strength such as high-tech, environmental pollution treatment and public transport.

He briefed the guest on the city’s socio-economic development, saying HCM City is facing challenges in urban development and calling for the engagement of Sweden’s businesses in addressing the difficulties. 

For her part, Minister Linde introduced the strength of Swedish companies accompanying with her in the fields of high-tech, transport infrastructure construction, environmental pollution treatment and education. She noted their desire to do long-term business in HCM City and Vietnam.

According to the Minister, the businesses are willing to share experience and participate in the city’s development process. They also eye on the city’s potential retail market.-

Hai Phong: PM urges Vinh Bao to become new-style rural district

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc urged Vinh Bao district in the northern port city of Hai Phong to exert all-out efforts to soon become a new-style rural district.

To that end, Vinh Bao should boost high-tech agriculture, encourage businesses to increase their operation in rural areas and pay heed to environmental protection, the PM told local voters on October 5 ahead of the second sitting of the 14th National Assembly scheduled to open on October 20.

He asked the district’s all-level Party Committees and authorities to promote locals’ role in socio-economic development and prioritise education and labour structure shifting.

The leader stressed that agricultural and health insurance is of concern of the National Assembly and the Government.

The Government has also given the green light to the upgrade of major transport infrastructure facilities in order to spur socio-economic development of Vinh Bao and Hai Phong, he said.

Mentioning food safety, the PM underscored the need to identify those mainly responsible for this work, noting that the issue will be under the legislature’s supreme supervision.

In 2016, Hai Phong recorded marked achievements across fields, he said, praising the city as one of the localities growing fastest nationwide, especially in foreign investment attraction.

Hai Phong is the country’s third largest economic centre and the locomotive of the northern region’s economy, the Government leader said.

Briefing the voters on the country’s socio-economic development over the past time, PM Phuc emphasised that the Government has set forth drastic policies to deal with issues of public concern and build a sustainable economy.

The Government has not traded the environment for economic development, turned tourism into an economic spearhead, protected legitimate rights and interests of people and businesses, and removed barriers hindering production and business activities, he said.

At the meeting, voters in Vinh Bao suggested the Government offer more tax incentives, continue to encourage investments and streamline administrative procedures, take more drastic measures to ensure food safety and launch agricultural insurance among farmers to ease their losses caused by natural disasters.

They showed their support for efforts to build an upright and active Government that work for businesses and people.