VietNamNet Bridge – Giant holes known as "holes of death" are appearing in greater numbers in the streets of HCM City because of inferior road construction and authorities just can't figure out how to control the situation.


More than 20 of these giant holes have appeared so far this year, the same number as appeared in the whole of last year.


Caused by subsidences, the giant holes have appeared in Mai Chi Tho and Dong Van Cong streets and along the Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe Canal.

They're called "holes of death" because in many cases they appear suddenly and motorcycles and cars have been known to drive into them, killing or severely injuring drivers and passengers.

More than 20 of these giant holes have appeared so far this this year, the same number as appeared in the whole of last year. Seven appeared in May alone, mainly along the roads of Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe.

Residents said substandard road construction and careless contractors were to blame which logically can be put down to poor supervision by road authorities.

Nguyen Trong Thu, a resident living in Phu Nhuan District, said some of the holes had been fixed more than once and had reappeared. He said it would be better to fix the holes properly the first time rather repairing them repeatedly.

"It's wasteful," he said.

However, repairing subsidences in roads which was seriously faulty in the first place was not easy. Deputy Chief Inspector of the city's Transport Department Nguyen Bat Han said inspectors had put as much efforts as they could to deal with the subsidences over the past years but had failed to bring the situation under control.

Road building contractors were ordered to obey building regulations and specification to ensure the quality of construction work and to minimise the appearance of washouts, he said.

Transport expert Pham Sanh suggested the city People's Committee issue long-term plans to end the problem.

An inspection board should be set up to find out the root cause of the subsidences, he said. Contractors, designers and consultants had to be made to take responsibility when holes occurred.

Deputy director of the Transport Department Bui Xuan Cuong said the holes would be repaired soon to ensure traffic safety for road users.

Meanwhile an effective solution to poor road construction would be found, he said.

Source: VNS