VietNamNet Bridge – Vestiges of prehistoric people dating back some 2,500 years have been found at Thai Binh Trung Commune, Vinh Hung District, the southern province of Long An.

According to Dr. Bui Phat Diem from the Long An provincial Museum, about 40 objects and thousands of pieces of pottery were unearthed during a recent excavation.

Digging up an area of 20 sq.m in the Go Duoi archaeological site, experts from the Vietnam Archeology Institute and the Long An Museum also discovered three ancient tombs with many adornments made of bronze and glass, and implements.

Most worthy of note is a heap of spinning tools made of stone and pottery, proving the existence of weaving techniques during the prehistoric time.

Several pieces of jaw bones, teeth and skulls of primitive people were also found on the site.

Vuong Thu Hong, Deputy Director of the Long An Museum, said Go Duoi is one of very few archaeological sites where artifacts made of various materials such as stone, bronze, iron, glass and pottery have been found.

These historical records have mirrored cultural life as well as production activities of primitive men in Long An Province during the transitional phase from the stone age to the bronze one, Hong said.

Source: Vietnam Plus