VietNamNet Bridge – State President Truong Tan Sang hosted a reception in Ha Noi yesterday (June 11) for a delegation from the Associated Press (AP), one of the largest US news agencies, led by President and CEO Gary Pruitt.


State President Truong Tan Sang (R) receives US AP news agency President and CEO Gary Pruitt -- Photo: VNA


The President lauded the visit, noting that Viet Nam and the US were celebrating the 20th anniversary of the normalisation of bilateral relations.

He said the AP was one of the media agencies that had helped change the views of Americans on the war in Viet Nam through vivid pictures of the reality on the battlefield, including the photo of monk Thich Quang Duc burning himself in 1963 by Malcolm Browne, and "Napalm Girl" in 1972 by Nick Ut.

Together with the world media, the AP had also contributed to deepening mutual understanding between the two peoples, he said.

He also expressed his hope that as one of the largest news agencies in the US, the AP would continue working towards growing friendship, solidarity and co-operation between Viet Nam and the US, contributing to peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

For his part, Pruitt said the delegation's visit aimed to explore the current context in Viet Nam and organise events to foster mutual understanding and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

He pledged that in the future, the AP would continue broadcasting news and images on socio-economic development in Viet Nam to the US and the world.

Source: VNS