price gap

Update news price gap

Buyers reap high profits as gold sells at exorbitant rates

The wide gap between domestic and world gold prices has caused buyers to lose money, but helped gold smugglers earn lucrative, but illegal, profits.

VN's gold policy aims at market or price stabilization?

VietNamNet Bridge - The central bank’s inconsistent statements about the goals of the gold market management policy have made people feel dizzy.

Gold price plunge makes investors puzzled

After the world’s gold price tumble and the heavy fluctuations of the domestic prices, the belief that gold is a safe shelter in the storm has become shaky.

Where have the 6 tons of gold gone?

The major purpose of the gold bidding is to stabilize the market. However, the goal remains unattainable after 6 bidding sessions were organized.

Gold market to have new big supply

The State Bank of Vietnam has authorized the Saigon Jewelry Company (SJC) to make bullion gold to provide to the market.

Gold bidding mechanism not a miracle drug

Whether the domestic gold price decreases to come closer to the world price depends on the amount of gold the State Bank would put into circulation and the people’s confidence on the bank’s policies.