Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has recently issued a significant directive aimed at bolstering cybersecurity measures. This directive serves to reinforce prior initiatives undertaken by the Prime Minister to fortify cybersecurity across various sectors and regions.

Despite previous efforts, there remain certain areas where the implementation of these directives has been lacking, with a disproportionate focus on resource allocation. This approach may inadvertently exacerbate cybersecurity vulnerabilities, potentially jeopardising Việt Nam's digital security.

Directive 33/CĐ-TTg underscores the critical importance of effectively managing information systems deployed by organisations and enterprises offering extensive online services that impact society at large. It also calls for stringent oversight of state agencies' systems to ensure adherence to the highest cybersecurity standards.

In light of escalating cyber threats, particularly ransomware attacks, the Prime Minister's directive underscores the necessity of addressing existing limitations and fostering discipline in cybersecurity practices. These efforts are essential to safeguarding Việt Nam's socio-economic development in an increasingly digital landscape.

The directive outlines key tasks that necessitate direct management and oversight of cybersecurity by ministers, heads of agencies and local leaders. They are mandated to conduct thorough reviews and assessments of the cybersecurity status of information systems within their jurisdiction, ensuring strict compliance with safety standards within specified deadlines.

In the event of cyber incidents, strict adherence to the provisions outlined in the directive is imperative, along with coordinated efforts with relevant ministries to guide and supervise cybersecurity endeavours.

The Minister of Information and Communications has been tasked with guiding the evaluation of cybersecurity for state agencies and organisational information systems before April 11. The results will be reported to the Prime Minister by May 10.

Furthermore, efforts will be concentrated on collaborating with security and defence agencies to monitor, detect and promptly respond to cyber threats. The findings of these collaborative efforts will be disseminated through mass media channels to enhance public awareness and understanding of cybersecurity issues.

Media agencies will collaborate closely with government bodies to effectively disseminate information regarding cybersecurity laws, enhancing public understanding and awareness of the regulatory framework in place.

To ensure ongoing vigilance and preparedness, regular quarterly reports on cybersecurity risks and threats will be compiled and submitted to the Prime Minister. — VNS