VietNamNet Bridge – Those who have a chance to visit the central coastal province of Binh Thuan should pass by Ganh Son to enjoy its primitive and unique landscape with a range of red and orange creations and pure white beach.



A panoramic view of Ganh Son in the central province of Binh Thuan.




Ganh Son beach has dark orange and grey features created from the solid clay eroded by rains and time.




Local residents live on a rock cliff overlooking Ganh Son Beach.




A close-up of Ganh Son’s clay creations.




The location in Chi Cong Commune, Tuy Phong District is around 70km from Phan Thiet City. The beach and its surroundings are still primitive as the area has not yet been developed by the local authority. That’s why this is a popular destination for adventurers and those who love to travel alone.

Before reaching Ganh Son, travelers have to walk around 20 minutes through a fishing village named Giuong where local people survive by catching fish and other types of marine life in thung (a huge round-shaped basket).

Some ancient features created from solid clay are about 20m above sea level and are different colors of grey and dark orange in gloomy weather and bright red under sunlight in the morning. Tourists may find some shallow caves and holes and numerous cactus trees among the clay creations.

Tourists are advised to come in the early morning to admire the sunrise and the bustling daily activity of fishermen preparing for their working day.

Source: SGT