Chairman of the National Defense and Security Committee Le Tan Toi. Photo: QH

The National Assembly Standing Committee convened to review a draft law granting authority to the Commander of the Guard Command and the Director of the Military Security Department to hire security forces, equipment, and technical resources for the protection of key leaders during international travel.

The session, which took place on June 12, focused on amendments to the Law on Guards, with Chairman of the National Defense and Security Committee, Le Tan Toi, outlining key points of discussion. Central to these deliberations was the proposal to establish a proactive mechanism enabling security forces to engage necessary resources effectively.

The draft law introduces provisions for hiring security personnel and equipment, generating diverse opinions among committee members. While consensus exists on the necessity of such provisions, some members advocate for restricting hires to exceptional circumstances and specifying clear standards, conditions, procedures, funding sources, and liability frameworks.

Discussions also addressed financial aspects, with suggestions to entrust the government or Ministry of Finance to establish spending standards and payment procedures for hiring security services. There were calls to prioritize domestic providers over foreign alternatives and ensure compliance with Vietnamese laws on public asset management and budgetary control.

Chairman of the National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee Vu Hai Ha. Photo: QH

Chairman Le Tan Toi underscored operational challenges encountered during international trips by key leaders, emphasizing the need for flexibility and promptness in deploying security forces, vehicles, and technical equipment. Granting discretionary powers to security commanders, he argued, would enhance responsiveness to protection requirements.

Funding for such operations would be sourced from the State budget, with hiring protocols conforming to legal frameworks in both Vietnam and host countries.

Chairman of the National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee, Vu Hai Ha, endorsed the proposal while advocating for streamlined regulations on renting and utilizing public assets, citing the expedient nature of political tasks abroad.

Secretary General of the National Assembly, Bui Van Cuong, supported the necessity of external hires, recalling past collaborations with security agencies to ensure delegation safety.

Thu Hang