VietNamNet Bridge – On August 6, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security announced the decision of the Politbureau on appointing Lt. Gen. Bui Van Nam as the Vice Minister of Public Security.




Mr. Bui Van Nam presents flowers to Nguyen Thi Thanh. Photo: Ninh Binh Newspaper.


An Ninh Thu Do newspaper quoted the Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang as saying that before being appointed as Party Secretary of Ninh Binh province, Lt. Gen. Bui Van Nam was Deputy Minister of Public Security.

After working two years in Ninh Binh, Nam accomplished his missions there and was transferred back to the Ministry of Public Security.

On the same day, according to Ninh Binh Newspaper, the Central Organization Committee announced the decision approving the election results of the Party Secretary of Ninh Binh Province. Accordingly, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Ninh Binh, Party Secretary of Yen Khanh District was elected as Ninh Binh’s Party Secretary.

Earlier, in the afternoon of August 5, Mr. Nguyen Van Bay, Deputy Party Secretary, Chairman of Lao Cai province was elected Party Secretary of the period from 2010 to 2015, replacing Mr. Nguyen Huu Van who was just elected and the State Auditor General.

In October 2010, the Central Party Committee punished Dinh Van Hung, Ninh Binh Party Secretary in the form of retirement. Mr. Dinh Tien Dung, Chairman of Dien Bien Province replaced Hung. In 8/2011, Dung was appointed as the State Auditor General and the position was assigned to Mr. Bui Van Nam.