VietNamNet Bridge – National Assembly deputies yesterday (May 12) reviewed the Government's report on Article 60 of the 2014 Social Insurance Law, urging more public understanding of the matter.


Staff of Ha Noi Social Insurance Agency handling the files of social-insurance users. 


Most deputies agreed it was not yet necessary to reach an immediate amendment for regulations on lump-sum social insurance.

They said Article 60 of the 2014 Social Insurance Law had presented a right option and direction for the expansion of the coverage of social insurance.

They added that this would ensure long-term benefits for labourers and make a good contribution to the implementation of national social welfare policies.

The regulations have been recognised as relevant and suitable for moves towards international development.

NA Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said the aims and view points of Article 60 were correct and progressive.

Meanwhile, chairman of the National Committee for Financial and Budgetary Affairs, Phung Quoc Hien, said as it was meant to be suitable for the trend towards international development, the NA should be more cautious. He said more discussions were needed before a decision was made on the amendment.

Many others deputies called on Government authorities to boost dissemination activities on the matter to help labourers understand it.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung urged insurance authorities and labour unions to strengthen their work of disseminating the issue.

He ordered the Government and the NA Committee for Social Affairs to make a report on the issue at the NA meeting to be held in October.

Earlier yesterday, NA deputies discussed a draft Referendum Law and a number of issues including the responsibility of authorised agencies in the protection of civil rights, forms of ownership, the consequences of illegal civil transactions, and lending interest rates.

Transgender rules

Lawmakers also debated transgender issues and shortening names in draft Civil Code debates at the 38th session of the 13th National Assembly Standing Committee.

Most deputies agreed that being transgender was a human right and should no longer be banned. However, it would not be acknowledged in Viet Nam due to its complicated nature and would be studied more in the future.

The Government reported that many people had travelled abroad to have gender re-assignment surgery, although the country had not yet recognised trans-sexualism under the law. Upon their return, some faced difficulties when their new appearances did not match their older ID photos and other documents.

The Government collected opinions on transgender rights from ministries, sectors and the public, and decided to address the responses in the Civil Code.

Phung Quoc Hien, chairman of the NA's Committee on Finance and Budget, said people who have had gender re-assignment surgery should be recognised only if they suffered reproductive organ defects.

Viet Nam must distinguish between defining true gender and the right to change one's gender, said Truong Thi Mai, chairwoman of the NA's Committee for Social Affairs.

The country should support the first concept, as it would help people with gender identity disorders, she said. The second should be considered carefully to see if it would be suitable for Viet Nam's culture.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung confirmed his support on not banning but also not acknowledging gender re-assignment, adding that consequences caused by this issue must be overcome.

Vietnamese citizens' full names cannot have more than 25 letters, or include numbers or symbols, according to a draft amendment to the Civil Code.

Minister of Justice Ha Hung Cuong presented a set of draft amendments at an NA Standing Committee meeting. The draft amendments were based on feedback from more than 7.5 million citizens.

Some suggested that while people had the right to choose their names, the State should lay down rules to guide them. Many full names did not suit the country's culture.

The amendment also called for a provision in the Law on Vietnamese Nationality that says one must have a Vietnamese name to apply for Vietnamese citizenship.

Calling this suggestion appropriate, Cuong said that it was included in the draft amendments.

However, according to the NA Committee on Legal Affairs, this amendment should be considered more carefully and with more feedback.

Since January, the Ministry of Justice has been inviting suggestions and feedback on the draft amendments to the Civil Code on its website:

The current draft comprises 672 articles – shorter than the 2009 Civil Code with 777 articles.